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What was the most effective anti tank gun in ww2?

What was the most effective anti tank gun in ww2?

The powerful PaK 40 was an effective weapon against most types of Allied tanks, including the Soviet T-34 and American Sherman. The weapon, along with the famous 88 mm, was considered one of the best anti-tank guns of the war.

What happened to anti tank guns?

Towed anti-tank guns disappeared from most Western countries, such as the United States, after World War II, to be replaced by shoulder-fired rocket launchers, recoilless rifles, and eventually, guided anti-tank missiles.

Who named the bazooka?

comedian Bob Burns
The universally-applied nickname arose from the M1 variant’s vague resemblance to the musical instrument called a “bazooka” invented and popularized by 1930s U.S. comedian Bob Burns….

Designer Edward Uhl
Designed 1942
Produced June 1942 – May 1945 (2.36 inch bazookas)

Who made the Tiger 1?

Aders Henschel
Tiger I

Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger Ausf. E
Designer Erwin Aders Henschel & Son
Designed 1938–1941
Manufacturer Henschel
Unit cost 250,700 RM
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What kind of gun did German heavy tanks have in WW2?

Only the German Tiger (Panzer VI) heavy tank mounted the 88 mm high velocity gun, derived from their antiaircraft 88 mm Flak gun. All their other tanks used smaller guns. The Tiger was developed with the 88 mm because the Germans had to fight with Soviet tanks, many of which could survive a hit from anything smaller.

Why was the 88mm used as an anti-tank gun in WW2?

The use of the 88 mm as an anti-tank gun came about as a result of the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. The Germans ran into the Soviet T34 tank, which was far superior to anything the Germans had. The Germans knew nothing about the T34 since German intelligence wasn’t

How many Flak 18 guns were used in WW2?

Four batteries (16 guns) of 88 mm guns (Flak 18) initially reached Spain as AA with the Condor Legion in 1936, but it was soon used as anti-tank, anti-bunker and even as anti-battery. More guns were sent later, and some 88 mm guns were also supplied to Spanish army units.

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What is an 88mm flak gun?

A German artillery crew relaxes next to their 88 mm gun. The famous flak gun became one of the most feared anti-tank weapons of the Second World War, serving everywhere from the sands of North Africa to the snowy wastelands of the Russian front.