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When did Iran become an Islamic religious state?

When did Iran become an Islamic religious state?

Iran voted by national referendum to become an Islamic republic on 1 April 1979 and to formulate and approve a new theocratic-republican constitution whereby Khomeini became supreme leader of the country in December 1979. The revolution was unusual for the surprise it created throughout the world.

What is the official religion of Iran?

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. The constitution defines the country as an Islamic republic and specifies Twelver Ja’afari Shia Islam as the official state religion. It states all laws and regulations must be based on “Islamic criteria” and an official interpretation of sharia.

When did Iraq become Shia?

Late 18th to mid-20th century. Since the late 18th century, most of Iraq’s Sunni Arab tribes converted to Shia Islam (particularly in the 19th century). During the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire instituted a policy of settling the semi-nomadic Sunni Arab tribes to create greater centralization in Iraq.

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Is Iran a Shia?

Iran is unique in the Muslim world because its population is overwhelmingly more Shia than Sunni (Shia constitute 95\% of the population) and because its constitution is theocratic republic based on rule by a Shia jurist.

When did Islam become the official religion of Iran?

Islam in Iran can be categorised into two periods – Sunni Islam from the 7th century to the 15th century and then Shia Islam post 16th century. The Safavid dynasty made Shia Islam the official state religion in the early sixteenth century and aggressively proselytized the faith by forced conversion.

How did Iran become a Shia Muslim country?

Shia Islam portal. The Safavid conversion of Iran to Shia Islam was a process that took place roughly over the 16th through 18th centuries and turned Iran, which previously had a Sunni majority, into the spiritual bastion of Shia Islam.

How did the Safavid dynasty make Shia Islam the official state religion?

The Safavid dynasty made Shia Islam the official state religion in the early sixteenth century and aggressively proselytized the faith by forced conversion.

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What was the religion of the Persian Empire?

By the late 11th century, the majority of Persians had become Muslim, at least nominally. Iran’s population is about 82,000,000 people, and Islam is the religion of 99.4\% of Iranians. Nearly 90\% of Iranian Muslims are Shi’a and about 10\% are Sunni.
