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When was the first chemical found?

When was the first chemical found?

The ‘first’ chemical element Phosphorous (P) was the first chemical element to be discovered after the ancient times by German alchemist Hennig Brand in 1669. At the time, Brand was trying to create the philosopher’s stone, a legendary alchemical substance that was thought to turn metal into gold.

Who was the first Chem?

Father of Chemistry: Most Common Answer If you are asked to identify the Father of Chemistry for a homework assignment, your best answer probably is Antoine Lavoisier.

What is the biggest known chemical reaction?

Photosynthesis – the most important chemical reaction on earth.

Who was first chemist in India?

Asima Chatterjee
Nationality Indian
Alma mater University of Calcutta
Scientific career
Fields Organic chemistry, phytomedicine
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Who is father of chemistry in India?

Prafulla Chandra Ray
Prafulla Chandra Ray, an Indian chemist, was born Aug. 2, 1861. Ray is often referred to as the father of chemistry in India. Showing great promise in his studies as a young man in Bengal, he was awarded a fellowship to the University of Edinburgh in 1882, where he received his BS and then his PhD in 1887.

Who is called Father of chemistry?

father of modern chemistryAntoine Lavoisier / Nickname

Who discovered chemical reactions?

Antoine Lavoisier
Antoine Lavoisier was a French nobleman in the 1700s who began to experiment with different chemical reactions.

What is the coolest chemical reaction?

The 10 below produce some of the most amazing results.

  • of 10. Thermite and Ice.
  • of 10. Briggs-Rauscher Oscillating Clock.
  • of 10. Hot Ice or Sodium Acetate.
  • of 10. Magnesium and Dry Ice Reaction.
  • of 10. Dancing Gummy Bear Reaction.
  • of 10. Fire Rainbow.
  • of 10. Sodium and Chlorine Reaction.
  • of 10. Elephant Toothpaste Reaction.
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Who named chemistry?

The word chemistry is said to have roots in either ancient Egypt or Greece. Science historian Howard Markel discusses the word’s origin, and the modern naming of the field of chemistry by British natural philosopher and alchemist Robert Boyle in his 1661 treatise, The Skeptical Chymist.

Who is the God of chemistry?

Antoine Lavoisier is god of chemistry.