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When you answer the phone do you say this is she or her?

When you answer the phone do you say this is she or her?

A common example is the phrase “This is she.” used to answer a telephone. ‘She’ is the nominative form of the word, so it cannot be used to describe somebody who is the object of a sentence (in this example, ‘this’ would be the subject).

Is it correct to say this is she or this is her?

In English, the non-emphatic subject case is she, and all other forms (object case and emphatic form) are her. Therefore, in natural English the correct answer is “This is her.” This is how non-native speakers learn to say the sentence.

Which is correct like her or like she?

It’s more natural to say ‘someone like her’ and not ‘someone like she. ‘ So the former is more grammatical and preferable to the latter. For example, if you say ‘someone like she shouldn’t have stolen the money,’ it doesn’t look grammatical.

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Which is correct this is he or this is him?

‘This is he’ is grammatically correct and ‘this is him’ is wrong. Because the English language does not depend on pronoun inflections to make sense, but rather on word order, we are gradually taking less notice of those inflections. ‘This is him’ means the same as ‘this is he’, as evidenced by the order of the words.

Which is correct this is she or this is me?

There’s no alternative to the correct: “This is she”! (The test is to invert the subject and verb to be: She is this, not She is her!) But . . . the caveat is, what is common usage. For example, It is now common, and sounds right, to say “It’s me” when answering the phone or doorbell, instead of, “It is I.”

Which is correct this is I or this is me?

“This is I” is correct technically. “This is me” is what the vast, vast majority of people actually say in practice. “This is me” is not technically correct, but it is what most people say in reality. So in an exam, use “This is I”.

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Which is correct she and her husband or her and her husband?

“She and her husband are” correct if both of them are performing the same activity. She and her husband are going to the party. If the answer is NO, then She is going to the party without her husband.

Do I use she or her?

“She” is an object pronoun while “her” is a possessive pronoun. “She” is used for the subject of the sentence while “her” is used for the object of the sentence.

Which is correct he and his wife or him and his wife?

Originally Answered: Is it correct to say ‘he and his wife’ or ‘him and is wife’? It depends on whether the phrase is used as an object or a subject. Basically, if the two of them are doing something, it’s “he and his wife.” If something is being done to them, it’s “him and his wife.”

When should you use I instead of me?

Use the pronoun “I” when the person speaking is doing the action, either alone or with someone else. Use the pronoun “me” when the person speaking is receiving the action of the verb in some way, either directly or indirectly.

What is the difference between she and her in grammar?

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Her: Proper Grammar Use “She” and “her” are two words that mean almost the same thing, but they get used in different circumstances. Their similarities are what makes them so hard to differentiate. Learn the proper use of “she” and “her” by reading sample sentences.

Is it correct to say “does he like” or “do”?

“Does he like” is correct. The auxiliary verb “do” takes the base form of the verb, in this case “like”. The subject determines the form of the auxiliary verb. In this case “he” is the subject therefore the auxiliary verb takes the third person singular “does”.

Is there a free grammatically correct sentence checker?

Also, free grammatically correct sentence checker will allow you to detect these grammar errors at no time and find out how to fix them at once. Many people rely on the checker provided by Microsoft Word, but this program is notoriously unreliable in catching all mistakes and is known for making suggestions that are simply incorrect.

When do you use the word her as an adjective?

“Her” As an Adjective “ Her ” can be used as an adjective when it’s the possessive form of “she,” meaning you’re showing something belongs to the “she” you’ve mentioned. The definition of “her” is: The possessive form of she