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Where can I find unbiased history?

Where can I find unbiased history?

Unbiased History is a web animation series by Dovahhatty on YouTube (and other platforms), which started with Rome on May 22, 2019.

What is the best unbiased American history book?

The Best American History Book – 2021

  1. The Best American History Book.
  2. Howard Zinn A People’s History of the United States.
  3. DK Smithsonian American History: A Visual Encyclopedia.
  4. Jill Lepore These Truths: A History Of The United States.

What is the best history book to read?

15 Best History Books Of All Time

  • The Guns of August. Author: Barbara W.
  • The Liberation Trilogy. Author: Rick Atkinson.
  • 1776. Author: David McCullough.
  • 1491. Author: Charles C.
  • The Crusades. The Crusades: Thomas Asbridge.
  • Caesar and Christ.
  • A History of American People.
  • Churchill: A Life and the Second World War.
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What are the most historically accurate books on American history?

The 20 Best Books About American History

  1. A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn.
  2. 1776 by David McCullough.
  3. Empire of the Summer Moon by S. C.
  4. Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation by Joseph J.
  5. Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin.

What is the best history of the USA?


  • 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus by Charles C.
  • The Great Bridge by David McCullough.
  • 1776 by David McCullough.
  • Runaway Slaves: Rebels on the Plantation by John Hope Franklin and Loren Schweninger.
  • The Story of American Freedom by Eric Foner.

Are history books reliable?

Depends HUGELY on the date of publication, country of origin, and author. Older books are often less accurate, being written before certain facts were known. Some countries censor or politicise their history books more than others. And obviously some authors are more biased, or competent than others.