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Where do statisticians get paid the most?

Where do statisticians get paid the most?

The highest-paid statisticians worked in the semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing industry earning an average of $126,020 per year. Statistician jobs in aerospace product and parts manufacturing offered the second-highest salary..

Do ML engineers earn more than software engineer?

On average, Machine Learning Engineers are paid higher salaries than regular software engineers. While factors like work experience and the employing body play a big role in dictating what the compensation of an ML Engineer should be, the trend shows that they get better compensation vis-à-vis their IT counterparts.

Is software engineering lucrative?

Software engineering continues to be one of the most lucrative career paths in the tech industry. The rewards go well beyond a high salary, corporate health insurance plans, and an increased opportunity to advance.

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Is statistician a good career?

The U.S. News & World Report 2021 100 Best Jobs rated Statistician as the #6 overall Best Job, the #5 Best STEM Job, and the #2 Best Business Job—jumping even higher from 2020. Statisticians will continue to be in high demand.

Can a software engineer make millions?

Some top software engineers earn more than $1 million per year. Here are the highest-paid software engineer positions in the world, earning more than $1 million per year, according to Levels.

What are some alternatives to a statistician career path?

Two possible alternative career paths include becoming a data analyst or becoming a data scientist. Similar to statisticians, data analysts identify and communicate data-driven insights that allow business stakeholders to make better-informed decisions. Nearly all industries have a need for skilled data analysts, at least to some degree.

What is the job outlook for a statistician?

Statisticians are valuable employees in a range of industries, and often seek roles in areas such as business, health and medicine, government, physical sciences, and environmental sciences. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which groups statisticians with mathematicians, the job outlook for the industry is positive.

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Is software engineering still a good career choice?

That means software engineers with that speciality are often swimming in opportunity. Test and quality assurance specialists are the only engineers where the supply outstrips the demand, albeit barely. Relax – it’s still a good career choice; it’s just not as in-demand as other specialities.

What if I don’t want to be a statistician?

For individuals who enjoy working with data or who exhibit all of these skills but don’t want to become a statistician, there are similar career paths that will still allow you to put your skills and passions to use. Two possible alternative career paths include becoming a data analyst or becoming a data scientist.