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Which animal has the most complex life cycle?

Which animal has the most complex life cycle?

Dicrocoelium dendriticum, commonly called the Lancet liver fluke, is a parasitic fluke that displays one of the most complex parasitic life cycles currently known. The Lancet liver fluke lives mainly in cows and sheep, but is also found in other herbivorous mammals and, in rare cases, has been known to infect humans.

What animals have complex life cycles?

Although butterflies and perhaps frogs might be the best-known examples of animals with complex life cycles, larval development is the mode of development most commonly found in the animal kingdom, with a wide range of representatives living in the world’s oceans (Young 2002).

What animal has 4 stages of life?

Birth, growth, reproduction and death represent the four stages of the life cycle of all animals. Although these stages are common to all animals, they vary significantly among species. For instance, while insects, birds and reptiles are born from an egg, mammals develop as embryos inside the mothers’ bodies.

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Which animal has 3 stages of life cycle?

Some animals, such as chickens, cockroaches and frogs, have three stages in their life cycles. The three stages are the egg, the young and the adult. The young of some of these animals look different from the adults. During the egg stage, the chick develops inside the egg.

What is a platypuses life cycle?

The life cycle of a platypus goes through 4 key stages; The egg stage, the hatching stage, the infant stage and the adult stage.

What is a turtle’s life cycle?

Turtles’ life cycles progress from being an egg, hatchling or baby turtle, into being a juvenile, then to being an adult. Mothers bury their eggs in holes in the ground to protect them. Then the hatchlings learn how to survive alone, entering the juvenile phase.

Does a grasshopper have a 4 stage life cycle?

They go through “Incomplete Metamorphosis,” in which each stage looks similar to an adult grasshopper but adds a few changes each time the young grasshopper sheds its skin. On the other hand, COMPLETE METAMORPHOSIS has FOUR different stages i.e. the egg, the larva, the pupa and the adult.

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Does a beetle have a 4 stage life cycle?

Four stages of a beetle’s life cycle. The life cycle of a beetle is known as a complete metamorphosis, meaning it has four very different stages: egg, larval, pupal and adult.

What is an echidnas life cycle?

Life history cycle Like the Platypus, the Short-beaked Echidna is an egg-laying mammal or monotreme and lays one egg at a time. The eggs hatch after about 10 days and the young, emerge blind and hairless. Clinging to hairs inside the mother’s pouch, the young echidna suckles for two or three months.

Does platypus have a pouch?

5. The platypus is the only remaining animal (besides the echidna) that is classified as a monotreme, or egg-laying mammal. A platypus doesn’t really have a stomach. Instead of a separate pouch where food collects, the platypus’ esophagus is directly connected to its intestine.

Can turtles live up to 500 years?

According to the Turtle Conservation Society, most turtle species live from 10 to 80 years. But sea turtles and large land tortoises can live to be much older. Their lifespan can be 150 years or more. Some have estimated, however, that large turtles may be able to live 400 to 500 years!