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Which country is the powerful country in Africa?

Which country is the powerful country in Africa?

1. Egypt. Officially called the Arab Republic of Egypt, the country is the third most populous country on the African continent and the most populated nation in the Arab world. As per 2021 United Nations statistics, it has about 104 million inhabitants and a nominal GDP per capita of approximately $4,028.42.

How can we unite Africa?

Among the important strategies are the formation of economic unions to create regional market and production networks; the establishment of a principled continental parliament; promotion of good education; the use of sports and music to facilitate mutual understanding; the strategic use of languages to build …

How strong would a united Africa be?

The continent of Africa is 30.37 million square kilometres. This is nearly twice the size of Russia (17.13 million Km2) and three times the size of China (9.5 million Km2) and the USA (9.8 million Km2). Simply a nation this big would make a united Africa a powerful country globally.

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Which country in Africa has strongest army?

This means that Egypt has the strongest army in Africa. The fact that Egypt has an estimated population of about 104,898,490 and over 920,000 army members confirms its defensiveness. Even better, this nation has a power index of 0.2216.

Can African countries unite?

It is very unlikely that Africa would unite into one country. Political, social, economic and geographical divisions make uniting all of Africa into a single nation state almost impossible. Africa is also huge with an enormous population, making uniting all of Africa into a single nation almost certain not to happen.

How powerful is the United States compared to Africa?

Just going by GDP numbers, Africa is at 2.5 trillion, the US is at 15+ trillion. Based on those numbers, the US is, at minimum, 6 times more powerful economically than the whole of Africa currently. Africa wouldn’t even have the biggest population.

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How can we imagine Africa as a country?

We can and should begin to imagine a different Africa — Africa as a country. One that allows for the freer flow of goods and services across its nation states, enabling cheaper access to inputs, raw materials, credit and, of course, people. With our population set to double in the next few decades, the African people are our greatest resource.

What will a United Africa have to be?

A United Africa will have to be a new government, a new nation of nations. A conglomerate of democratically elected officials who”s reach can not go beyond the demands or needs of the people.

How many countries are there in Africa?

Africa is a continent just like Europe and North America, and is made up of 54 countries. If I made a sim I am going to rant here. You are making generalizations about an entire continent based on news stories about less than 1\% of said continent. The majority of Africa countries are healthy and peaceful.