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Which is a feat in itself?

Which is a feat in itself?

What does feat in itself mean? A feat is an exemplary, even bold achievement, often an act of great courage or skill. Getting your cat to wear a leash was quite a feat.

What does in of itself mean?

In and of itself is another way of saying “on its own” or “by its very nature.” For example, The final book in the series is, in and of itself, a great work of art. The phrase is used for emphasis.

What is meant by mean feat?

To be a considerably great, difficult, or noteworthy achievement or outcome. Defeating an incumbent president is no mean feat, but we feel confident that our candidate has what it takes. Well done, John. Getting an A+ on that exam was no mean feat! See also: feat, mean, no.

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What is an example of a feat?

Feat is defined as something that requires great skill or courage to achieve. An example of a feat is climbing Mt. Everest.

What is good in it of itself?

That which is good without being so as a means to some other good, or only dependently upon some other good. Kant held that the only thing good in itself was a good will.

Is it itself or itself?

Itself merely functions as a pronoun for emphasis. In itself, however, adds more depth, as it specifically indicates the subject is being deliberately considered in all its possible ramifications.

Why do we use FT?

The abbreviation, “ft.” means featuring if it appears before a name. When someone collaborates with another person in a video, “ft.” is used to credit that person. The “ft.” abbreviation can also be used in the titles of non-music videos.

How do you use feat?

Feat in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The man was honored when the king learned of his feat.
  2. In order to achieve the feat, the knight must slay the dragon.
  3. It is a rare feat when an archer hits the center target twenty times in a row.
  4. Winning the marathon was a feat for the one-legged athlete.
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What is the meaning by itself?

Definition of by itself 1 : without being directly controlled by a person : automatically The computer shuts off by itself if you haven’t used it for a while. The sprinkler will turn on by itself. 2 : with nothing nearby : alone The house stood by itself at the end of the street.

What does unto itself mean?

If you say that something is, for example, a world unto itself or a place unto itself, you mean that it has special qualities that it does not share with other, similar things, and so it should be treated or understood differently from those other things. Southern Pennsylvania is still a world unto itself.