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Which language has the largest vocabulary in the world?

Which language has the largest vocabulary in the world?

The language with the largest vocabulary in the world is English with 1,025,109.8 words. This is the estimate provided by Global Language Monitor on January 1, 2014. The English language officially surpassed the millionth word threshold on June 10, 2009 at 10:22 a.m. (GMT).

Is English bigger than French?

Some have pointed out that French is almost always longer. It’s a bit more complicated than that. French uses a wider vocabulary than English, and uses many different words to convey different connotations.

What language has English borrowed the most words from?

Originally Answered: How many languages does English borrow from? Hundreds. But the most important languaes that English has borrowed words from are by far Old French, Latin, and Ancient Greek. Other significant contributors are (Modern) French, Spanish, Dutch, Old Norse and Italian.

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How many words are the same in French and English?

It’s generally thought that around 10,000 words have been borrowed into English from French. Of those, according to this source, there are over 1,700 “true cognates” – that is, words that not only look the same or similar, but have exactly the same meaning in both languages.

Is English a richer language than French?

Steven Frank, the author of The Pen Commandments claims that English has 500,000 words with German having about 135,000 and French having fewer than 100,000. A blog post for The Economist agrees that English is rich in vocabulary, but comparisons with other languages can’t be made for several reasons.

What percent of English comes from French?

Nearly 30 percent of English words (in an 80,000 word dictionary) are of French origin.

Is English richer than French?

Originally Answered: Which country is richer, the UK or France? The UK has higher nominal GDP and per capita GDP than France, but not by much. They’re really about as close as two countries can be.

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Do French use English words?

All French people speak English. This may surprise you considering the French have the reputation of speaking terrible English. Yet, between 1 and 5\% of French words are actually… English words.

Is it true that English has more words than French?

In any case, it’s a fact that French has fewer words than English, and yes it is true that English is most likely the language that has the highest number of words in the world. Don’t get too cocky though, this doesn’t mean anything in terms of richness of a language and let’s not even think about going in the direction of “superiority”.

Which language has the most words in it?

English is considered the language with the most words. Modern English evolved from the Germanic language family, which also relates to Dutch and German, among other languages. The Germanic family languages share much of their grammar and essential vocabulary. English was majorly influenced by Norman French and Latin,

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Why does English have a larger vocabulary than other languages?

Consequently, English has a much larger vocabulary than either the Germanic languages or the members of the Romance language family to which French belongs. English is also very ready to accommodate foreign words, and as it has become an international language, it has absorbed vocabulary from a large number of other sources.

What are the different types of English words?

Other variations include Indian English, Canadian, and Australian English. Over the years, the English language has adopted words from other languages, and this has made it an international language. Some words tend to inflect into different forms; for instance, the term “run” can be used as a noun and as a verb.