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Which least number should be subtracted from 10000 so that the difference is exactly divisible by 45?

Which least number should be subtracted from 10000 so that the difference is exactly divisible by 45?

We get reminder 10 when 10000 is divided by 45. So the least number that should be subtracted from 10000 for it to be divisible by 45 is the reminder 10.

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What least number should be subtracted from 1000 so that the resulting number become a perfect square?

And so, 20 is the smallest number to be subtracted.

What least number must be subtracted from 1000 so that the difference is exactly divisible by 35?

Therefore, as seen above, 980 is perfectly divisible by 35. And so, 20 is the smallest number to be subtracted from 1000 so that the difference is exactly divisible by 35.

What is the least number that should be subtracted from 1000 so that 30 divides the difference exactly?

The least number that should be subtracted from 1000 so that 30 divides the difference exactly is 10. Hope this answer is helpful.

What least number must be subtracted from 10000?

The least number that should be subtracted from 10000 so that 33 divides the difference is 1. Therefore, option (2) is correct. Hope this answer is helpful.

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Which least numbers should be subtracted?

Aptitude :: Numbers – Discussion 50. What least number must be subtracted from 13601, so that the remainder is divisible by 87? Explanation: 87) 13601 (156 87 —- 490 435 —- 551 522 — 29 — Therefore, the required number = 29.

Which least number should be subtracted from 1100 so as to get a perfect square?

Hence, \[11\] is the smallest number which when multiplied to \[1100\] gives the number that is a perfect square.

Which least number should be subtracted from 1000 so that 53 divides the sum exactly?

Grade 10. when we divide 1000 by 53 we get quotient 18 and remainder is 46. it means number is 7 less than the number so that number is completely divisible . so after adding 7 in 1000 the number becomes 1007 and it is completely divisible by 53.

Which least number should be subtracted from 1000 so that the difference is exactly divisible by 37?

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20 is the least number that should be subtracted from 1000 so that 35 divides the difference exactly.

Which least number must be subtracted from 1000 so that the resultant number is exactly divisible by 23?

if you divide 1000 by 23 the remainder will be 11. so,11 is the least number.

What least number must be subtracted from 1000 to get a number exactly divisible by 123?

So, the least number should be Subtracted is 11.

What greatest number can be subtracted from 10000?

What is greatest number can be subtracted from 10,000 so that the remainder may be divisible by 32,36,48 & 54? That will be minium number which should contain all these factors . So, the Greatest number will 10000-864= 9136.