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Which of the following is the belief in the existence of gods or deities?

Which of the following is the belief in the existence of gods or deities?

Theism is broadly defined as the belief in the existence of a supreme being or deities.

What is scientific belief?

By contrast, belief in science indexes the belief that scientific inquiry is a method and form of knowledge, superior to all others, that allows us to understand the world.

What is the belief in science called?

Scientism is the view that science is the best or only objective means by which society should determine normative and epistemological values.

What does it mean to believe in science?

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“I believe in science” is meant to use the reputation of “science” in general to give authority to one specific scientific claim in particular, shielding it from questioning or skepticism.

How does science define reality?

Reality is the sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent within a system, as opposed to that which is only imaginary. In physical terms, reality is the totality of a system, known and unknown.

Who is the preserver among the gods of the Hindus?

Each god is in charge of one aspect of creation, with Brahma as creator, Vishnu as preserver, and Shiva as destroyer.

Why is the belief condition more controversial than the truth condition?

The belief condition is only slightly more controversial than the truth condition. The general idea behind the belief condition is that you can only know what you believe. Failing to believe something precludes knowing it. “Belief” in the context of the JTB theory means full belief, or outright belief.

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Is the simplest explanation usually the correct one?

The idea of parsimony or simplicity in deciding between theories, though not the intent of the original expression of Occam’s razor, has been assimilated into common culture as the widespread layman’s formulation that “the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.”

Do we have sufficient evidence for every one of our beliefs?

At the outset of the essay, Clifford defends the stringent principle that we are all always obliged to have sufficient evidence for every one of our beliefs.

Can belief be justified if it falls short of knowledge?

There seem to be cases of justified true belief that still fall short of knowledge. Here is one kind of example: Imagine that we are seeking water on a hot day. We suddenly see water, or so we think. In fact, we are not seeing water but a mirage, but when we reach the spot, we are lucky and find water right there under a rock.