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Which one is better biochemistry or chemistry?

Which one is better biochemistry or chemistry?

As presequites chemistry beats biochemistry. Biochemistry is specialised, by taking biochemistry you are then only experienced in biochemistry but by taking chemistry you take the basics that you can then build on by specialising in biochemistry, organic chemistry,analytical chemistry etc.

Which has more scope biochemistry or chemistry?

In terms of labs, Chemistry has chemical labs, so synthesis, characterization of substances, purification, stuff like that. Biochem, again, has more biological labs. Research is usually far more specific (with exceptions of course) of fabricating specific molecular targets for specific functions or applications.

Can a biochemistry major become a doctor?

Yes, you can get into medical school with a biochemistry degree. Students choose disciplines like chemistry, biology, physiology more often to prepare for med school.

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Which major is harder biochemistry or chemistry?

Is biochemistry harder than chemistry? No, biochem is definitely not harder than chemistry. There’s a lot less math, it’s much easier to conceptualize and the biology aspects of the discipline all help to make it easier to grasp and understand.

What is the future of biochemistry?

Termed as the science of the future, biochemistry is fast developing into an extremely important subject. Forming the basis of a great deal of research, its study can make for a successful career offering more alternatives than many other streams of science.

Is biochemistry good for medicine?

Yes, it is probably the best. Biochemistry is the hardest subject for most medical students and you can’t escape from it. Every course has biochemistry in it: anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, and the clinical subjects, too.

Does biochemistry count as chemistry?

Chemical biology deals with how chemistry can be applied to solve biological problems while biochemistry is the study of the chemistry of biology.

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Is chemistry and biochemistry the same thing?

Chemistry explains the physical world and its processes, and chemists study substances – composition, structures, properties, and reactions. Chemists are leading the way in solving the world’s energy and environmental problems. Biochemistry focuses on the study of life at the molecular level.