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Which telescope is best for Andromeda Galaxy?

Which telescope is best for Andromeda Galaxy?

The Hubble Space Telescope easily resolves millions of individual stars in an outer region of the Andromeda Galaxy, also known as M31.

How big of a telescope do I need to see Andromeda?

These targets can be seen with a refractor under 4 inches or a reflector/SCT under 6 inches. With bigger telescopes, you’ll see a galaxy with spiral arms that’s similar to the Milky Way.

Is there a picture of the Andromeda Galaxy?

A new image of the Andromeda Galaxy, captured by the Hubble Space Telescope, clocks in at an absolutely gigantic 1.5 billion pixels, with NASA/European Space Agency (ESA) stating that more than 600 HD TVs would be required to display the whole image. It is the biggest image ever released by Hubble.

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What will it look like when Andromeda collides?

When Andromeda slams into the Milky Way, a trillion new stars will light up the night skies above Earth. The cosmic merger, according to NASA, will result in a head-on collision on an unimaginable scale. Andromeda will warp the shape of the Milky Way and our Sun is likely to be punted to a different part of the galaxy.

Which telescope is best for planets?

Five of the Best Telescopes to See Planets

  • Celestron StarSense Explorer LT 80AZ Refractor.
  • Sky-Watcher Classic 6-inch Dobsonian.
  • Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 130AZ Newtonian Reflector.
  • Celestron Omni XLT 102mm Refractor.
  • Celestron NexStar 6SE Compound.

What telescope can see the farthest?

The Hubble Space Telescope
The Hubble Space Telescope can see out to a distance of several billions of light-years.

Will humans survive Andromeda collision?

Assuming that human beings, or life, still exists on Earth at that time, they will have survived so much due to the ongoing death of the sun, that the gravitational pertubations due to the galactic collision will be nothing.