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Which zodiac sign is fickle?

Which zodiac sign is fickle?

Geminis are one of the most fickle-minded zodiac signs, because they can never, for the life of them, make decisions! They are also incredibly moody and are known to be happy one minute and cry in one corner the next. They are unreliable, temperamental and known to change their mind very often.

What zodiac sign is very manipulative?

06/6Gemini The twins can very conveniently shift their places , as and when the need comes. Their personality can completely change when they want something done. And they can very well put blame on others, making them the most Manipulative Zodiac sign of all times.

Which zodiac is flaky?

Granted, some of us more than most; however, these four zodiac signs will probably flake on your plans, so don’t take it the wrong way: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, and Pisces.

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Which Zodiac loses interest fast?

As astrologer, Suzie Kerr Wright, tells Bustle, air signs are more likely to lose interest the fastest. Those include Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

Are Pisces fickle?

They Can be Fickle and Indecisive They float between reality and a dream state, and are easily influenced by their surroundings, which is why you’ve probably heard that Pisces can be fickle and have an impossible time making a decision.

What signs are cunning?

Scorpio represents the venomous creature that won’t hesitate to sting someone if they feel like it. This sign is extremely evil, cunning and sly.

Are Libras narcissists?

Self-Obsession Libras use their intellect to spar with others, and when they are feeling negative, use words to bend the will of others. In love, a shadow Libra is narcissistic and only out to be adored and have their beauty reflected back at them.

Are Leos flakey?

LEO (July 23 – August 22) On a scale from 1 to 10, you’re an 11, making you one of the flakiest zodiac signs. Yeah, but you probably know this already. You beat Aries in flakiness because you’re so bad.

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Why are Pisces so unreliable?

Pisces operate in their own reality, and these dreamy water signs can accordingly be a bit flaky and unreliable. At the same time, it’s nearly impossible to confront a Pisces with frustrations about their behavior: Since they lack emotional armor, their first move is to swim away.

Who should marry a Pisces?

Out of all the signs in the zodiac, Pisces will truly feel like they’ve met their soulmate with Scorpio. “These two go deep and can escape not just into fantasy, but also into the innermost parts of their psyches together,” Semos says.

Which signs believe in love at first sight?

5 zodiac signs who believe in love at first sight

  • 01/6People who fall in love at first sight, as per the zodiac sign. Falling in love is a different experience for different people.
  • 02/6Cancer.
  • 03/6​Pisces.
  • 04/6Scorpio.
  • 05/6​Aries.
  • 06/6Sagittarius.

Are Aries fickle?

Aries will love you unconditionally, but not necessarily stay with you. They can be incredibly loyal, but in the same breath, they can be incredibly fickle. Aries are driven by passion, and that passion doesn’t always last.