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Who defeated Darth Sion?

Who defeated Darth Sion?

Darth Sion was killed by the Jedi Exile in the Trayus Academy before the destruction of Malachor V. The Jedi Exile managed to persuade Sion to let go of his anger as he died because he was afraid of letting his power go.

Is Darth Nihilus stronger than Palpatine?

Nihlus can only be defeated by a wound in the force. Sidious is not a wound in the force. Every single time Nihlus consumes someone he gains their power. Meaning by the time he consumed every one on one planet he would be more powerful then Sidious.

Was Sion nihilus apprentice?

Together, they formed a triumvirate with Darth Traya at its head and her other apprentice, Darth Sion, as the third member. The trio chose individual titles for themselves, Darth Nihilus becoming the Lord of Hunger. The apprentices grew in strength throughout their training and eventually overpowered their Master.

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Who killed Darth nihilus?

Meetra Surik
At the end of the First Jedi Purge Nihilus was killed aboard his flagship, the Ravager, by Meetra Surik, his former apprentice, Visas Marr, and the current Mandalore, Canderous Ordo, leaving his mask as a gruesome reminder of his reign as the Lord of Hunger.

What movie is Darth nihilus in?

Darth Nihilus was one of the main villains in the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 – The Sith Lords.

What would happen if Darth Nihlus killed Lord Sion?

However, despite all the pain and anger, if he lacked a connection to the Force, Nihlus would kill him. So, in a fight, what would happen would be that Darth Nihlus would simply drain the Force from Sion, and then allow all of his previous wounds and injuries to catch up to him, killing the Lord of Pain.

Who is Darth Nihilus in Knights of the Old Republic?

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Darth Nihilus was created by Obsidian Entertainment as one of the main antagonists for the Xbox and PC video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. The desktop icon for the PC version of the game was Nihilus’ face. His story was later elaborated upon in a comic, ” Unseen,…

How did Darth Nihilus become the Lord of hunger?

Together, they formed a triumvirate with Darth Traya at its head and her other apprentice, Darth Sion, as the third member. The trio chose individual titles for themselves, Darth Nihilus becoming the Lord of Hunger. The apprentices grew in strength throughout their training and eventually overpowered their Master.

What happened to Darth Vader before he became a Sith Lord?

Before becoming a Sith Lord, he lost everything during the Galactic Republic’s war against the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. He survived the activation of the Mass Shadow Generator superweapon during the war’s final battle at the planet of Malachor V, which surrounded the planet with a destructive spatial phenomenon known as a mass shadow.