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Who guarded Azkaban after Dementors?

Who guarded Azkaban after Dementors?

Azkaban prisoners were brought to the prison by Aurors, making Aurors the only officials who regularly visited the prison but only to hand over prisoners (before they replaced the Dementors as guards). John Dawlish was one official said to have been escorting prisoners during the Death Eater’s reign over the Ministry.

What happened to the Dementors after Voldemort?

Due to their actions during the war (allowing Death Eaters to escape back to Voldemort and joining forces with him themselves), Shacklebolt disbanded the Dementors as guards of the wizard prison. After the Dementors were removed from the prison, Aurors were placed in the prison as guards.”

Are Dementor guard of Azkaban?

Dementors are dark creatures that consume human happiness, creating an ambiance of coldness, darkness, misery and despair. Because of their power to drain happiness and hope from humans, they have been set the duty of being guards at Azkaban, where they prevent the prisoners from having the will or ability to escape.

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Who are the guards of Azkaban?

There were no human guards at Azkaban, and only a select few Ministry officials were allowed on the island. This was because the Dementors were thought to be most effective. Up until the escape of Sirius Black, and the lesser-known escape of Barty Crouch Jr., Azkaban’s escape rate was zero.

Why is Lupin always giving Harry chocolate?

Remus Lupin carried chocolate with him on the Hogwarts Express and gave Harry Potter some after the latter was attacked by a Dementor. Harry Potter later commented that he never wanted to eat a piece of chocolate for a while afterwards, as he apparently has grown sick of it for a while.

Are Dementors guards?

Due to their actions during the war (allowing Death Eaters to escape back to Voldemort and joining forces with him themselves), Shacklebolt disbanded the Dementors as guards of the wizard prison. After the Dementors were removed from the prison, Aurors were placed in the prison as guards.

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Do Dementors guard Hogwarts?

They employed them as guards for their sole prison. The Dementors had the ability to hear, acknowledge and obey commands from wizards. Whether they were actually capable of verbal speech or not is unknown, but the Minister for Magic was able to order a contingent of them to go guard Hogwarts and the Dementors obeyed.

Is Dobby’s grave still there 2021?

Is Dobby’s grave still there today? YES! Although in the books Dobby died in 1998, the free elf’s grave is still kept alive by fans on Freshwater West Beach.

Why are the Dementors the guards of Azkaban?

From that point on, the Dementors served the Ministry as the guards of Azkaban, as the arrangement allowed them to feed on the emotions of the prisoners within its walls. Opposition to the use of Azkaban did manifest, however.

Who guards Azkaban in the Harry Potter series?

Azkaban was guarded by Dementors until most of them revolted and joined Lord Voldemort. As a result, Voldemort’s Death Eaters escaped together to rejoin their master in both 1996 and 1997.

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How did Voldemort’s Death Eaters escape from Azkaban?

As a result, Voldemort’s Death Eaters escaped together to rejoin their master in both 1996 and 1997. There was most likely an Anti-Apparition jinx on Azkaban; if there hadn’t been, wizards and witches could simply have Apparated from the prison to the outside world.

What happened to the Dementors in Harry Potter?

Diggory died of Dragon Pox while in office, and thus the campaign to find an alternative to Azkaban’s Dementors stalled. Reversing his predecessor’s position, when Minister Hesphaestus Gore took office, the prison was renovated and reinforced.