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Who is more powerful Dooku or Yoda?

Who is more powerful Dooku or Yoda?

Yoda is clearly and solidly above Dooku. Dooku can give him a good fight, to be sure, but Yoda is definitely his superior.

Who would win Yoda vs Anakin?

Like Obi-Wan, Yoda has seen Anakin grow up and knows his weaknesses. In addition, Yoda has far, far more knowledge of the Force. If we assume Anakin as he was at his best, Yoda wins. However, if we assume Anakin in the form of the most powerful he could possibly have ever gotten, then Anakin wins this by a landslide.

Who is the most powerful Sith of all time?

1. Darth Sidious (Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace) Truly, the most powerful Sith Lord was Darth Sidious, better known in his public persona of Chancellor (later Emperor) Palpatine. Through cunning and manipulation, Sidious killed his master to claim the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith.

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Who would win Vader or Dooku?

Physically Vader is stronger and tougher while Dooku is faster. In terms of duelling Dooku’s ability to take on Yoda for a while and being a peer with Mace is superior to anything Vader has achieved. In terms of force powers Vader’s scaling above people like Galen Marek and Starkiller puts him ahead of Dooku.

Who would win in a fight Darth Maul or Darth Vader?

Darth Vader defeats Darth Maul. The two Sith Lords engaged in a lightsaber duel, going through the volcano and onto a bridge situated over a river of lava, which collapsed, though they both survived and continued their battle.

Which Jedi had the strongest force?

Yoda lived for 900 years, and audiences saw hardly any of it, but what they did see was a wise, immensely knowledgeable, and in-tune with the Force being who was widely known as the most powerful Jedi by those around him.

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Who is stronger Anakin or Yoda?

Anakin was comparable to dooku at best till he got pissed. Yoda is stronger, faster, more powerful. No way this will be a tough fight for him. @shootingnova: @leo-343: @juiceboks: Yeah, I don’t think I needed three responses to tell me the same thing.

Who is stronger Yoda or Count Dooku?

Yoda, handily. Sorry lad but Count Dooku is pretty much the best Anakin can handle. Yoda is simply in another tier altogether in terms of power, skill, and definitely speed. Yoda, handily. Doubtful, considering what Anakin did to Dooku in this state of ability.

How did Skywalker defeat Dooku in the Clone Wars?

Skywalker was all over him. The shining blue lightsaber whirled and spat and every overhand chop crashed against Dooku’s defense with the unstoppable power of a meteor strike; the Sith Lord spent lavishly of his reserve of the Force merely to meet these attacks without being cut in half, and Skywalker—Skywalker was getting stronger.