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Who is stronger than Franklin Richards?

Who is stronger than Franklin Richards?

Franklin Richards may be a powerful beyond-Omega level mutant, but that doesn’t mean he is the most powerful character in Marvel. 3 Celestials almost defeated him, so any character as powerful as or more powerful than 3 Celestials is superior to Franklin Richards.

Is Hyperstorm stronger than Franklin Richards?

The Fantastic Four’s Franklin Richards is one of Marvel’s most powerful mutants, but his alternate reality son Hyperstorm is even stronger. Omega-Level mutants are rare, revered and not to be trifled with.

Is Franklin Richards stronger than Thanos?

6 Franklin Richards His ability to create and manipulate universes makes a clear threat to Thanos. His cosmic powers and capabilities of altering reality made the Celestials deem him as a mutant that exceeded Omega levels. This makes him powerful than Thanos by several factors.

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Can Franklin Richards fly?

Franklin is capable of time-travel, creating pocket universes which he controls, energy manipulation, telepathy, telekinesis, mind transferal, fundamental force manipulation, precognitive dreams, and just about anything else that fans may be able to think of.

Is Franklin Richards evil?

Franklin Richards is a powerful mutant and travels the universe with Earth’s first family of super heroes, the Fantastic Four (FF). While his cosmic-level powers attract super villains, he knows that no matter how bad things get, his family would always do their best for him.

Is Franklin Richards stronger than eternity?

Simple, Franklin Richards is exceptionally powerful entity in the universe while the collected Infinity gems are the universe. With all six there is no power that can stand against the wielder.

How strong is Franklin Richards?

Franklin Richards is an incredibly powerful reality warper. When Franklin achieves the conscious use of his full powers, he will have telepathic powers, tremendous telekinetic powers, the ability to fire enormously powerful energy blasts, and the ability to rearrange the molecular structure of matter and energy.

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Is Franklin Richards strong?

Franklin Richards is a powerful mutant and travels the universe with Earth’s first family of super heroes, the Fantastic Four (FF). From an early age, he has the ability to manipulate reality, he can perceive his invisible mother, and create more powerful avatars of himself by accident or in times of great crisis.

Who killed Franklin Richards?

Two billion years before the end of the Eighth Cosmos, the possessed Hulk managed to kill Franklin Richards, Galactus, and Mister Immortal.

Is Franklin Richards the most powerful mutant?

Empowered with psionic and reality-manipulation abilities from his Super Hero parents Susan Storm and Reed Richards, Franklin Richards is one of the most powerful mutants. Franklin Richards is a powerful mutant and travels the universe with Earth’s first family of super heroes, the Fantastic Four (FF).

What powers does Frank Richards have?

Franklin Richards is a powerful mutant and travels the universe with Earth’s first family of super heroes, the Fantastic Four (FF). From an early age, he has the ability to manipulate reality, he can perceive his invisible mother, and create more powerful avatars of himself by accident or in times of great crisis.

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What is Franklin’s power as Avatar?

Avatar is the auto-matured Franklin. As Avatar, he has vast psychic powers, able to telepathically probe others and/or render them unconscious.

Why did they kidnap Franklin in Fantastic Four?

Victor von Doom, aka Dr. Doom, is the Fantastic Four’s greatest foe, and as such kidnaps Franklin to use him for his powers of reality manipulation. He also sends Franklin to Hell but he is quickly rescued.