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Who is the best mercenary of all time?

Who is the best mercenary of all time?

Michael “Mad Mike” Hoare, considered the world’s most famous mercenary, has died at the age of 100.

Who were the mercenaries in the war?

mercenary, hired professional soldier who fights for any state or nation without regard to political interests or issues. From the earliest days of organized warfare until the development of political standing armies in the mid-17th century, governments frequently supplemented their military forces with mercenaries.

Who is a famous mercenary?


Name Life Comments
Werner von Urslingen 1308–1354 Germanic mercenary in the service of the Holy Roman Empire.
William Iron Arm Norman adventurer who was the founder of the Hauteville family.
William of Ypres 1090–1164 Flemish mercenary commander who served as Stephen of England’s chief lieutenant during The Anarchy.
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What is mercenary history?

Mercenaries are professional soldiers hired to fight alongside foreign armies. They have been employed in historical battles for millennia.

What country has the most mercenaries?

One of the most prolific users of mercenaries is Russia, which has used such groups to expand its presence and influence in various hotspots around the world. Rather than deploying large numbers of military forces into conflict zones, Russia has increasingly sent mercenaries to accomplish the mission.

How did mercenaries operate?

They were known for cutting off the heads of dead or captured enemies, and according to Commines they were paid by their leaders one ducat per head. In Italy, during inter-family conflicts such as the Wars of Castro, mercenaries were widely used to supplement the much smaller forces loyal to particular families.

Who do mercenaries work for?

Mercenaries usually work for private military contractors (PMC). These companies recruit people who have military training or have experience with weapons as “security contractors” to provide armed combat or security services for state or non-state actors that seek it.

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Does America use mercenaries?

Only the U.S. government is restricted from hiring mercenaries under what is known as the Anti-Pinkerton Act of 1893.

Why are mercenaries useful?

Mercenaries are often better soldiers because they are not drafted, but hired. They have to bring skills to the job market or they won’t make the cut. However, they are usually less reliable than regular troops. Mercenaries are often better soldiers because they are not drafted, but hired.

What are the best mercenary armies in history?

6 Legendary Mercenary Armies From History. 1 1. The Ten Thousand. 2 2. The White Company. 3 3. The Swiss Guard. 4 4. The Flying Tigers. 5 5. The Catalan Grand Company.

What happened to mercenaries in the 20th century?

In the 20th century, mercenaries reappeared during the wars of decolonization in Africa, again as entrepreneurial individuals, nearly always fighting against the interests of newly decolonized states. In the late 20th century, private military companies appeared in conflicts in Angola and Sierra Leone.

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Why do Mercenaries go to the highest bidder?

An odd concept to be sure. This stratification of power often resulted in the best mercenaries going to the highest bidder regardless of the cause they’d be fighting for. Certainly, some were more loyal than others and some were more powerful than others.

What are some of the most notorious private armies?

Truly one of the most notorious private armies in the modern era is the former South African firm, Executive Outcomes (EO). Formed in 1989 as apartheid was dissolving under a renewed and invigorated African National Congress led by Nelson Mandela while, at the same time, the South African military was being cut down.