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Who saved Harry and Sirius from the Dementors?

Who saved Harry and Sirius from the Dementors?

During the attack Harry Potter attempted to defend himself, Hermione, and Sirius with a Patronus Charm, but failed due to the sheer amount of Dementors. However, he and the others were saved by his future self, who had travelled back in time using Hermione’s Time-Turner.

Why was the ministry empty in the Order of the Phoenix?

Why Was the Ministry of Magic Empty When Harry & Others Go to Save Sirius in the 5th Book? Because it wasn’t working hours.

Why does the ministry want Harry Potter in Deathly Hallows Part 1?

Undesirables are the most wanted criminal wizards by the Ministry. Harry Potter was top at that list because the Ministry was corrupted and Voldemort was using any means to find capture and kill his enemies. Many may have assumed that Harry Potter was a criminal and were on the lookout for him.

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How did Harry save himself from Dementors?

In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry is attacked by a swarm of Dementors and as his soul is being sucked out he is saved by what he thinks is his Father. He later learns that it is he himself performing the Patronus charm.

Who saved Harry on the train?

Sirius Black was, at that time, a known accomplice of Voldemort and Fudge didn’t want the Ministry to be blamed and hence kept Harry on his side. 2 years later when Harry is called to the Ministry for his hearing for conjuring his patronus against Dementors, Fudge knows that Harry will be backed by Dumbledore.

How did Harry Potter get saved from the Dursleys?

Harry was not only saved from the Dursleys in this instance but from his own ignorance of the wizarding world, his true identity, and how his parents died, all of which Hagrid revealed to him before whisking him off to a world of magic.

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What does Harry say to Lestrange after she kills Sirius?

Harry refuses to believe that Sirius is dead. He spots Lestrange and runs after her, vowing to avenge Sirius’s murder. He catches up to her in the Atrium. Harry shouts at Lestrange that the prophecy is gone and that she will have to kill him.

Why did Dumbledore admit it was his own fault that Sirius died?

Dumbledore admits it’s his own fault that Sirius is dead because he never told Harry the whole truth about his scar. Dumbledore explains. On the night Harry saw Mr. Weasley attacked, Voldemort figured out that Harry’s scar allowed Harry to be privy to Voldemort’s thoughts and actions.

What does Dumbledore say to Harry about Sirius Black?

Harry is visibly upset about Sirius’s death. Dumbledore tells Harry this pain is his greatest strength. Dumbledore admits it’s his own fault that Sirius is dead because he never told Harry the whole truth about his scar. Dumbledore explains.