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Who would win Genghis Khan or Julius Caesar?

Who would win Genghis Khan or Julius Caesar?

Julius Caesar- the Roman conqueror of Gaul; whose actions made him one of the ancient world’s greatest generals….X-Factors.

X-Factor Genghis Julius
Metallurgy 80 70
Tactics 80 80
Leadership 90 90

Who is known as the Cesar of modern France?

Covering large parts of modern-day France, Belgium, northwest Germany and northern Italy, Gaul . Later, the Consul of Gaul — Julius Caesar — conquered all of Gaul.

Who Discovered France?

In the 4th century, the Franks, which is where the name France comes from, began to take power. In 768 Charlemagne united the Franks and began to expand the kingdom. He was named the Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope and is today considered the founder of both the French and German monarchies.

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Who was the greatest army of all time?

9 Strongest Armies Of All Times, Across History

  • The Achaemenid Empire.
  • The Spartan City-State.
  • The Mauryan Army.
  • The Romans.
  • The Mongols.
  • The British Empire.
  • Soviet Ground Forces at the end of World War II.
  • The Armed Forces of the United States of America – Present Day. The sheer power of the US is unfathomable.

What is the 3rd Roman legion known for?

As Third Gallic legion, it became famous. One of the four consular legions, recruited by Caesar when he was consul in 48. It was earmarked for Caesar’s campaign against the Parthian empire, which was cancelled after the dictatator’s death.

How did Caesar treat the Veneti rebels?

Caesar considered the Veneti rebels and punished them severely. This was the first naval battle that was historically recorded. In 54 B.C. the Eburones under Ambiorix wiped out the Roman legions under Cotta and Sabinus. This was the Romans’ first major defeat in Gaul.

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Who won the Battle of Alesia in ancient Rome?

Battle of Alesia. The Battle of Alesia, also known as the Siege of Alesia, of 52 B.C was won by the Romans under Julius Caesar and lost by the Gauls under Vercingetorix. This was the last major battle between the Gauls and the Romans and is viewed as a large military achievement for Caesar.

How did the Roman legion Equestris get its name?

It is possible that the legion was called Equestris (“the knights”) already, because Caesar describes how he used the soldiers as cavalry. The men were reenlisted in 53. In the civil war against Pompey, they fought in Hispania in the battle of Ilerda (summer 49). In the spring of 48, the Tenth served at Dyrrhachium.