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Who would win Nidoqueen or Nidoking?

Who would win Nidoqueen or Nidoking?

theoretically wild Nidoking beats wild Nidoqueen due to Mega-Horns superiority to Superpower, and better offensive stats allowing him to boast a more dangerous Earth-power(super effective against both of them). Even in a trainer battle Nidoking’s faster stab Earthquake is almost a guaranteed 1HKO.

Who is better Nidoking or Aggron?

Nidoking is the definite victor. Stat wise Nidoking is slightly faster so he’ll be able to throw out earthquakes before the others can do anything, but Aggron has pretty solid physical defence. Whereas Tyranitar has the hit power.

Whats better Nidoqueen or King?

Playing with Nidoqueen: “Almost Always the Better Option” Nidoqueen’s superior bulk is what sets her apart from Nidoking and makes her the only one of the two who is a viable pick on anything other than purely offensive teams.

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Who is better tyranitar or Rhyperior?

Tyranitar! It has more balanced all around stats, and resists Dark type moves for your team.

Which is better tyranitar or Garchomp?

Type wise speaking Mega Garchomp is better because it has ground type which is stronger against rock type tyranitar. Ability wise the mega Garchomp has ability Sand Force which boosts the power of certain moves namely rock, ground, steel type moves in a sandstorm.

Who kills Nidoking?

However, Nidoking is weak to four different types, those being ground, water, psychic, and ice. However, it also resists fighting, poison, rock, bug, fairy, and electric moves. While Nidoking will be difficult to deal with quickly, some fast moves that would prove to be helpful against it include: Ice Shard.

Should I Choose Nidoking or Nidoqueen?

It’s generally held that on the majority of teams, one should choose Nidoqueen over Nidoking; however, the infamous “boys rule, girls drool” chant hasn’t been discounted quite yet, so hold off on calling up that bully from fourth grade or triumphantly shoving this article in your boyfriend’s face.

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Is Nidoqueen good in Fire Red?

Nidoqueen: Defence. Nidoqueen is a great wall to tank hit out ingame. And when I first played through Fire Red, Nidoqueen was one of my team members. It comes extremely useful against the Elite 4 and with the movepool of learning a move of almost every type, it has great coverage ingame. Nidoking is offence.

What happened to nicenidoking?

Nidoking peaked in GSC as “the premier mixed attacker” in OU, to quote his analysis, largely on the strength of his impressive base 85 Speed tier and access to Lovely Kiss (a move that is now illegal), and then slowly declined in viability until he reached B rank in DPP UU.

Is Nidoking a good Pokemon to use?

Stealth Rock is another option, but a fourth attack is generally preferred, as Nidoking should be used more for offensive presence and pressure than utility. Nidoking is a marvelous pick for any offensive team seeking a reliable answer to semi-stall staples such as Florges and Doublade.