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Why Americans are obsessed with the flag?

Why Americans are obsessed with the flag?

Because it has symbolism of our country’s past, present, & future. 13 Red & White Stripes represents the 13 Colonies and the overthrow of the British Government controlling the United States. The Blue Field represents the Union the 50 Stars Represents the individual States. There is a design for the Flag with 51 Stars.

How do Americans show respect to the flag?

Salute the flag whenever it is paraded, when the Pledge of Allegiance is said, or when the National Anthem is played. Those not in uniform should salute the flag by standing at attention, tall and straight, with the left arm at the side, and placing the right hand over the heart.

Why no flag in the world is purple?

It’s not because the color is considered universally unfashionable: Its absence from flags has more to do with practicality. The color’s status was forever changed in 1856, when a British university student named William Henry Perkin discovered a way to make purple dye synthetically.

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What color isn’t on any flag?

But a design you likely won’t find no matter where you are on Earth is one that includes purple. It’s not because the color is considered universally unfashionable: Its absence from flags has more to do with practicality.

Which country has Bible in its flag?

the Dominican Republic
What you probably didn’t know is that the Dominican Republic is the only country in the world to have an image of the Holy Bible on its national flag. Yes, it’s true! The national flag is formatted blue-red-blue-red with a white central cross.

What does the American flag mean to you?

Certainly since the Civil War, Americans have looked to the flag to remind us that we are one nation despite our differences, despite our hardships. So in our darkest times and in our greatest triumphs, the flag has been our symbol. Over Fort McHenry when Francis Scott Key penned his poem that became our National Anthem.

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How many American flags are sold each year?

Americans are flag-waving crazy like maybe no place on Earth. The Flag Manufacturers Association of America estimates that some 150 million American flags of all sizes are sold every year (though, granted, plenty are made in China).

Would you fly the American flag in front of Your House?

Certainly compared to places like the U.K., we do. “To fly the flag in front of your house, which is obviously a perfectly normal thing to do in the United States,” Smith says from London, “here you would never Unless you were the Queen, or it would just be slightly embarrassing.

Do your kids still stand and pledge allegiance to the flag?

Our kids, still, stand and pledge allegiance to the flag in public school classrooms across the country, despite efforts by many to cool it with the “under God” stuff. The flag is in our churches, too — to heck with that separation of church and state thing. We wave flags.