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Why are buyers liars?

Why are buyers liars?

But what agents tend to see is buyers who change their minds on their budget and property needs continuously, or who hold back telling them what they really want or their true budget, leaving the agent confused about what the buyer really wants. Thus, they come to the conclusion that “buyers are liars”.

Do estate agents tell lies?

Although they shouldn’t, estate agents can and do lie about offers to make it look to you as a seller that they’re creating lots of interest in your property. An estate agent may also lie about offers so they can push you in the direction of a specific REAL offer, so they can get their hands on their commission ASAP.

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Why do real estate agents lie to buyers?

Agents try to get their clients to make offers on homes by talking about how rosy the market is for buyers. Why they tell it: Again, this line is used either to win over new clients or to encourage sales of properties that the agent represents. Either way, the agent is acting in his or her own interest—not yours.

Why are real estate agents liars?

Most sellers “load up” the asking price of their homes. Buyers are lying to agents in order to buy at a lower price and sellers are lying to agents and buyers in order to protect the value of their properties.

Do estate agents have to disclose survey results?

If your agents are aware about the previous failed house survey, they are obligated to make that information available to your buyers. It is important that you do tell the buyers about the previous failed survey, as this is considered something that can affect their decision to progress with the purchase.

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Do sellers get a copy of survey?

The seller’s rights over the survey report A seller doesn’t have any right to see a copy of reports unless the buyer chooses to disclose them and the surveyor/valuer must not discuss the report’s actual or likely contents with the seller without the buyer’s knowledge and consent.

What do real estate agents lie about when selling a house?

Last but certainly not least, another common lie that real estate agents tell sellers is that they have potential buyers for their home. This is a tactic that is used by some real estate agents to help pursued an seller to hire them to sell their home.

Is there any way to get a home seller to lie?

 There is no way!? The reality is that there are some real estate agents out there who say anything to home sellers in order to get a listing or make a sale, even if it means lying.

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Do real estate agents lie to sellers about website traffic?

While an agent telling a home seller they are the only agent who has a website is the worse lie, there are also agents who will lie to a seller about the amount of traffic their website generates. Even though an agent may have a website, it does not mean it’s getting local traffic.

Is it hard to sell a house in a seller’s market?

 An overpriced home will struggle to sell, even in a sellers market, because today’s home buyers are very savvy. One of the top 10 lies that real estate agents tell home sellers relates to price.