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Why are foxes not pets?

Why are foxes not pets?

Foxes are destructive, they will destroy things in your house. Foxes must be fed some raw meats and bone content in their diet. They also need taurine, or they can go blind, suffer from seizures, and even die…’

Can you have a fox as a pet in Canada?

Gray and Swift foxes are protected species, and thus, prohibited as pets nationwide in Canada. Canadian residents may only purchase foxes from local, Canadian pet fox breeders or brokers that are legally allowed to sell the animals to the public.

Are foxes being domesticated?

Foxes have started down this domestication path before in many parts of the world, Zeder notes. Their bones show up in early farming communities, for example. But unlike wildcats, who entered these communities and transformed into the furballs we know today, these foxes never become fully domesticated.

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Is a fox more like a cat or dog?

Foxes Are Related to Dogs, but Act Like Cats Although red foxes are part of the Canidae family along with dogs, they have more in common with cats.

Do foxes eat cats?

Quick Answer: Foxes don’t eat adult cats but will eat small or cats or kittens. Most adult cats are the same size as a fox and can defend themselves. Smaller cats (less than five pounds) and kittens could be prey for a fox.

Can dogs and fox mate?

Can foxes and dogs make babies? Short answer: no, they can’t. They simply don’t have compatible parts. Foxes and dogs diverged (that is, veered off from their common ancestor and became separate species) over 7 million years ago, and have evolved into very different creatures that cannot cross-breed.

Is it legal to own a Fox as a pet?

Several states outright ban people from keeping foxes as pets, including California, New York, Texas and Oregon. And of course, while domesticated foxes are friendlier than those in the wild, they can still be unpredictable.

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Could foxes have been domesticated?

Foxes HAVE been domesticated. A Russian fur farm has succeeded in domesticating silver foxes. It took them around 60 years, I think. Only a fur farm could have pulled it off – hundreds of foxes needed to be bred and ruthlessly culled, while maintaining sufficient genetic variation to prevent inbreeding problems.

Why did they breed foxes to make dogs?

They figured using the most docile of the wild foxes for their breeding program would hasten the pace of domestication, relative to the thousands of years it took to breed dogs. To prove the foxes’ friendly demeanor was the result of genetic selection, Belyaev’s team began to breed foxes that showed opposite traits of the tame pups.

Could a fur farm have pulled off a domesticated fox?

Only a fur farm could have pulled it off – hundreds of foxes needed to be bred and ruthlessly culled, while maintaining sufficient genetic variation to prevent inbreeding problems. Don’t be fooled by people selling what they claim are domesticated foxes that come from other places – those animals are NOT domesticated.