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Why are movies edited?

Why are movies edited?

Editing ensures shot continuity. Editors are responsible for ensuring there’s a coherent flow from shot to shot. Editors time their cuts so the scenes flow properly. This is especially important when films shoot in different locations that need to appear like one location when edited together.

What does it mean when a movie is edited for content?

A re-edited film is a motion picture that has been modified from the manner in which it was showcased in its original theatrical release. Fan-made movie edits are often met with controversy, as they bring up issues of copyright law.

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What does original mean in movies?

Film, reversal, or negative, shot by a camera as opposed to film that is a dupe. One may say “negative” or “original” and they mean the same thing. But saying “original” is the most efficient way to communicate that something is the real deal, and not copied.

Do movies get edited on TV?

Yes, because the edited for Broadcast/Basic Cable version is usually the one the Networks license.

What is the purpose of editing in writing?

Editing serves multiple purposes: to fix mistakes, clarify the message, cut down (or build up) text to meet a specified word count, change the writing’s tone, make it fit particular constraints, and hone language for an intended audience. Learning how to be a good editor will make you a better writer overall.

What do they use to edit movies?

1. Non-Linear Editor (NLE)

  • Avid Media Composer. For decades, Avid Media Composer was the Hollywood standard for professional video editing software.
  • Adobe Premiere Pro. Another NLE, Adobe Premiere Pro, now rivals Avid in popularity within the industry.
  • Final Cut Pro. Yet one more NLE used in Hollywood is Final Cut Pro X.
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How much of a movie is edited out?

It varies a lot from project-to-project, but a typical discard rate would be ~15\% for features. Considering a 90-minute film, this translates to about 7–20 minutes worth of action “left on the cutting room floor”.

Is it legal to edit a movie?

That’s illegal copyright infringement. Distribution of the original or a derivative work of the original is not permitted under copyright law. But yes, technically it is illegal to even make the edit. Because the right to make a derivative work is also exclusive to the copyright owner.

What makes a film original?

What does “original” mean? Most film awards make a distinction between adapted screenplays and original screenplays, including the Oscars. For the purposes of this research I have classified a film as “truly original” if it… Wasn’t a sequel, prequel or spin-off of an existing movie.

What percentage of movies are original?

Indiewire says only 38 percent of Hollywood’s films are original, but that figure isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s a complex number. Sequels and remakes can technically be original too.

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Can you buy edited versions of movies?

CleanFlicks offers edited DVDs for purchase or rental. A CleanFlicks edited DVD is a popular Hollywood title without the profanity, graphic violence, nudity and sexual content.

Can you buy clean versions of movies?

The studio is making the broadcast TV or airline version of these 24 titles available when a consumer purchases a film in its original form on iTunes, Vudu, and FandangoNOW. “Clean Version movies can be accessed with purchase of the theatrical versions.”