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Why are ships no longer armored?

Why are ships no longer armored?

Since World War II, naval armour has been less important, due to the development of guided missiles. Missiles can be highly accurate and penetrate even the thickest of armor, and thus warships now focus more on anti-missile technology instead of armor.

Do modern aircraft carriers have armor?

These will be installed on the other ships as they return for Refueling Complex Overhaul (RCOH). Since USS Theodore Roosevelt, the carriers have been constructed with 2.5 in (64 mm) Kevlar armor over vital spaces, and earlier ships have been retrofitted with it: Nimitz in 1983–1984, Dwight D.

Do any navies still use battleships?

When the last Iowa-class ship was finally stricken from the Naval Vessel Registry, no battleships remained in service or in reserve with any navy worldwide. The U.S. has eight battleships on display: Massachusetts, North Carolina, Alabama, Iowa, New Jersey, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Texas.

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Do destroyers have armor?

Destroyers have never had armor belts, one reason destroyers also are known as “tin cans.” “Speed is among their defenses,” Paul Stillwell, director of history for the U.S. Naval Institute in Annapolis, said of destroyers, and the weight of an armor belt would slow them down.

How did they weld battleship armor?

The process began by melting together the desired ingredients to create a cast alloy ingot which could be anywhere from 100,000 to 200,000 kg or more. After being cast and cleaned the ingot would then be raised to forging heat in furnaces, then rough forged using hydraulic presses.

Why did the battleship become obsolete?

Big battleships have become obsolete, because their armament became obsolete. When looking at battleships, people see the big size, the heavy armor… but that is all secondary. The reason of existence of the battleships is the guns.

What is face hardened armor?

Face-hardened armor has very thin layer of brittle, hard steel backed by ductile, non-brittle armor than absorbs impact and supports hard layer. Hard layer is supposed to break projectile nose, even when rounds have armor piercing caps that help to defeat face-hardening.