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Why are vampires killed by sunlight?

Why are vampires killed by sunlight?

In nearly every culture on Earth, the sun’s purifying rays destroy evil, so being supernatural creatures, vampires cannot exist under the sun, although in some stories, vampires can live under the sun, but they are defenseless because they can’t utilize their occult powers.

What does the sun do to vampires?

Elijah burns in the sun Unlike normal vampires, Original vampires are resistent to the sun. Although the sun can severely weaken an Original, they are unable to be killed by it, though they will still burn and catch fire while exposed to the sun without the protection of a daylight ring.

Why does ARO want Bella?

Aro collected vampires as if they were toys. He saw life as something he could play with. He wanted Bella as one of his toys because he saw she was powerful. He didn’t actually value her as a person.

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Why can’t vampires go into houses?

Vampires cannot on their own enter a house without an invitation because the threshold on a mythological and spiritual level is considered as a kind of magical and protective barrier that gives security to the home. If Vampires try to enter uninvited they will get weaken or even lose their powers.

What kind of vampires can withstand the sunlight?

They are often known as the Reptile/Lizard Vampires. They get these names because they possess teeth that are all sharply pointed and resemble those of large lizards. They are the most social of the four main vampire types and are able to withstand extended periods of sunlight or indefinitely with the aid of sunglasses and sunscreen.

Can a vampire survive sunlight exposure?

Sunlight is one of the many popularized weaknesses of vampires. Sunlight as a weakness to vampires is not actually from folklore, as many types of vampires survive just fine in the sunlight, and traditional folklore rarely mentions sunlight at all.

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What happens to a vampire in sunlight?

Nowadays, when Vampires are exposed to direct sunlight, they usually suffer great pain and diminishment of power, turn to dust, or go up in flames. This trope is the opposite case: Vampires are able to freely walk around in sunlight. Either nothing at all happens, or they experience mild discomfort.

Can vampires walk in sunlight?

Original Vampires and non-Original vampires cannot walk in daylight without being burned by the Sun as a consequence of their vampirism. However, they can gain protection from the Sun with lapis lazuli stones enchanted by a witch, thus being able to walk in sunlight without adverse effects.