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Why did Harry and Ron not get through the barrier?

Why did Harry and Ron not get through the barrier?

When they didn’t see Harry and Ron on the platform, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley must have thought that they had been lost from sight in the press of students and families. They didn’t know that a house-elf was about to seal the barrier earlier than it should have closed, and had no reason to suspect any foul play.

Can you use floo powder to get into Hogwarts?

The protective enchantments that protect Hogwarts did not allow individuals to utilise Floo powder as a means of transportation to leave or enter the school, but did allow transportation within the school. Individuals were also allowed to communicate via Floo powder at Hogwarts, even to fireplaces outside of Hogwarts.

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How old are Ron and Harry in Chamber of Secrets?

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets – real-life ages

Harry Potter – 12 years old Daniel Radcliffe – 12 years old
Ron Weasley – 12 years old Rupert Grint – 13 years old
Hermione Granger – 12-13 years old Emma Watson – 11-12 years old
Neville Longbottom – 12 years old Matthew Lewis – 12-13 years old

How are Ron and Harry punished for flying the car?

They are punished by being secluded for their meal and given a detention, but never once is food withheld.

Why didn’t Ron and Harry wait for Ron’s parents?

Because Ron and Harry got it in their heads that they had to reach Hogwarts fast, and did not think it through. Had they waited for Ron’s parents, they would have probably carried the two of them to Hogsmeade via Side-Along Apparition, or taken them to the Burrow and used the Floo to reach Hogsmeade or Hogwarts itself.

Who sealed the gateway to Platform 9 3 4?

Harry was picked up by Vernon Dursley. On 1 September 1992, Dobby the House-elf blocked the magical barrier dividing Platforms Nine and Ten in order to prevent Harry Potter and Ron Weasley from attending school.

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Why is September 1st important in Harry Potter?

Because Hogwarts was founded around 990 A.D. Basically at that time children helped their families during the harvest season. Typically, this ends in September so that’s why the founders started the schooling in the month of September or whatever the equivalent was at that time.

What color does a Portkey glow?

Immediately after casting, the target would glow bright blue, as the Portkey did when it is ready, but after a few seconds, it would return to its normal colour.

How did Harry and Ron get to Platform Nine and three quarters?

That magical barrier was their only way to get to platform nine and three quarters so they could board the train that would take them to their school. Once Harry and Ron figured that the train had left, they decided to follow the train in a bewitched car that could fly in hopes that they could catch up with the train.

How did Harry and Ron get the Boarhound out of the car?

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The car screeched to a halt in front of Harry and Ron and the doors flew open. ‘Get Fang!’ Harry yelled, diving into the front seat; Ron seized the boarhound round the middle and threw him, yelping, into the back of the car.

Why does the car come to help Ron and Hermione?

When it detects that they’re in trouble, it comes to their aid. Note that the car has an easy familiarity with the path in and out of the forest. Since the car belongs to Ron’s father (and may or may not contain parts from Sirius Black’s motorbike), it’s hardly surprising that it would rescue them when the need arose.

How did the Ford Anglia save Harry and Ron from spiders?

That’s why the Ford Anglia in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets came and saved Harry and Ron from the spiders because they saw the car and that additional scene and the car some how saw their footprints in the mud when they walked and heard them screaming and the dog barking that’s how it found them and save them.