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Why did Palpatine say I am all the Sith?

Why did Palpatine say I am all the Sith?

So when Sidious claimed he was all of the Sith He was stating that he was the culmination of a thousand years of Sith training and planning. A millennium of Sith knowledge and power. In the same way Rey was the culmination of millennia of Jedi training and knowledge.

Does Palpatine have all the Sith in him?

Palpatine: “I am all the Sith” Just as Rey is the culmination of all the Jedi, as we saw when she heard their voices, Palpatine is the culmination of all the Sith before him. This comparison enriches the odd biological relationship between the two, given that we now know Rey is the daughter of a botched Palps clone.

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How is Palpatine all the Sith?

Grandpappy Palps claims that all of the Sith live in him. He urges Rey to kill him so that his spirit can possess her, and she/they would then rule the galaxy as “Empress Palpatine.” After a period of infighting in ancient times, the Sith were all but wiped out in a conflict against the Jedi.

What did the original Sith look like?

All Sith castes were red-skinned humanoids with distinctly sharp, predatory features and tentacle beards. Among the Sith, the stroking of a right cheek tendril was a sign of thoughtfulness. After interbreeding with the Dark Jedi exiles, the original members of the species became known as Red Sith.

Did the Sith race go extinct?

The Sith mainly went ‘extinct’ because of a galactic conflict known as the Great Hyperspace War. The Order of Sith Lords was created when Dark Jedi were exiled to Korriban, homeplanet of the native Sith species, a race of red-skinned conquerers strong in the Dark Side of the Force.

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Is Darth Sidious finally dead?

No, in fact JJ Abrams, the director for the Rise of Skywalker said he’s alive. The shocking return of Palpatine was later confirmed by Abrams to Empire’s James Dyer, who attended the panel.