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Why did Russia declare war on the Ottoman Empire?

Why did Russia declare war on the Ottoman Empire?

The early Russo-Turkish Wars were mostly sparked by Russia’s attempts to establish a warm-water port on the Black Sea, which lay in Turkish hands. The first war (1676–81) was fought without success in Ukraine west of the Dnieper River by Russia, which renewed the war with failed invasions of Crimea in 1687 and 1689.

How strong is Greek army?

The Hellenic Army is the largest of the three branches of the Hellenic Armed Forces, also constituted by the Hellenic Air Force (HAF) and the Hellenic Navy (HN)….

Hellenic Army
Size in peacetime: 100,000 personnel wartime strength: 750,000+
Part of Hellenic Armed Forces
Formations Formations of the Hellenic Army
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Are any countries at war 2021?

Not all wars are formalized with official declarations of war between combatants. Conversely, not every ongoing armed conflict is classified as a war….Countries Currently At War 2021.

Country 2021 Population
India 1,393,409,038
United States 332,915,073
Indonesia 276,361,783
Pakistan 225,199,937

Why is Russia trying to prevent a war with Turkey?

Any fight that is happening in Russia, is going to be seen as Turkish aggression and there will be no NATO support, Turkey loses. Syria is the most likely battlefield, and Russia simply can’t compete with Turkey there. That would be a fight Turkey wins, which is why the Russians are trying to avoid it.

Why do the US and Russia have two of the most armies?

The United States and Russia field two of the most powerful armies in the world. Heavily mechanized and salted with combat veterans, the U.S. Army and Russian Ground Forces have spent the better part of the last fifteen years not only chasing guerrillas from Afghanistan to Syria, but also fighting conventional-style wars in Iraq and Georgia.

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Will NATO get involved in the Turkey-Turkey War?

It was their Vietnam, only Russia couldn’t recover from it. There is literally no way NATO doesn’t get involved. As soon as Turkey says they’re being invaded NATO is legally required to help.

Will Russia take over Turkey?

Turkey’s population is 77 million, Russia’s is 143 million. Given that the United States with a population of 310 million was stressed occupying/regime changing Afghanistan, with a population of only 32 million, no chance Russia succeeds here.