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Why did Steve Jobs refuse treatment?

Why did Steve Jobs refuse treatment?

Isaacson says that when he asked Jobs why he had resisted it, Jobs said “I didn’t want my body to be opened… I didn’t want to be violated in that way.” His early resistance to surgery was apparently incomprehensible to his wife and close friends, who continually urged him to do it.

Who was Steve Jobs Doctor?

Dr. David Agus
Dr. David Agus helped Steve Jobs live longer. Now he wants to help us all.

What alternative medicine did Steve Jobs take?

Jobs was first diagnosed in 2003, he chose to pursue alternative therapies, including acupuncture, herbal, diet and fruit juice therapy and spiritual consultations.

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Why didn’t Steve Jobs do surgery?

From the CBS News teaser: “I’ve asked [Jobs why he didn’t get an operation then] and he said, ‘I didn’t want my body to be opened I didn’t want to be violated in that way,'” Isaacson recalls. So he waited nine months, while his wife and others urged him to do it, before getting the operation, reveals Isaacson.

Did Steve Jobs Have Surgery?

After a delay of nine months after diagnosis, in 2004, Jobs opted for surgery. He died 7 years later.

Is Steve Jobs an organ donor?

We published a version of this story last spring, when the organ donor law cleared the California state senate’s health committee.

Why did Steve Jobs liver transplant?

Jobs stated in 2004 that he was diagnosed with an uncommon islet cell neuroendocrine tumor in the pancreas. Doctors say under some circumstances the islet cell tumors cancer can metastasize to the liver, thus necessitating the need for a transplant.

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Did Steve Jobs acknowledge his daughter?

She is the daughter of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs and Chrisann Brennan. Jobs initially denied paternity for several years, which led to a legal case and various media reports in the early days of Apple….

Lisa Brennan-Jobs
Occupation Writer
Spouse(s) Bill
Children 1
Parents Steve Jobs (father) Chrisann Brennan (mother)

What was wrong with Steve Jobs liver?

He had what is called a neuroendocrine tumor, more specifically an insulinoma. And based on the biology and presentation—those that are metastatic only to the liver—only those are suitable for transplantation. He developed metastasis in his liver—and only in his liver—and that was able to justify transplantation.

Did Steve Jobs regret his decision to reject surgery?

According to Steve Jobs ’ biographer, Walter Isaacson, the Apple mastermind eventually came to regret the decision he had made years earlier to reject potentially life-saving surgery in favor of alternative treatments like acupuncture, dietary supplements and juices.

Can Steve Jobs’ cancer be cured?

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Isaacson told CBS’ 60 Minutes last night that while the news was not good, the upside was that the form of pancreatic cancer from which Jobs suffered (a neuroendocrine islet tumor) was one of the 5\% or so that are slow growing and most likely to be cured.

What can we learn from Steve Jobs’ story?

But in his story lies a major lesson. In 1997, Steve Jobs returned to Apple, the company he co-founded, and proceeded to lead one of the most remarkable turnarounds in history. As CEO, he brought Apple back from the brink of bankruptcy, aiding its transformation into the most valuable company on the planet.

Why did Steve Jobs leave Apple and start next?

Jobs, feeling betrayed, left the company and founded a new startup named NeXT. Notably, a number of high-ranking Apple employees followed their former boss to his new company. At the time, Jobs was a cocky, 31-year-old multimillionaire who was almost always convinced he was right.