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Why did the Catholic Church burn William Tyndale?

Why did the Catholic Church burn William Tyndale?

Tyndale went to ground, but was betrayed by Henry Phillips and arrested in Antwerp in 1535. After being held in the castle of Vilvoorde near Brussels, he was put on trial for heresy (NOT for translating) in 1536, convicted, and sentenced to be burnt at the stake.

Why did the Catholic Church oppose Bible Translation?

The church feared that if literate lay people read the Bible for themselves, they might misunderstand it, and place their souls in mortal danger. Actually, before the invention of the printing press, it would not have been financially possible for any but the wealthy to have their own Bibles.

Why did the Catholic Church translated the Bible into Latin?

Its primary purpose was to provide an agreed standard for theological teaching and debate. The earliest printed Vulgate Bibles were all based on this Paris edition.

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When did the Catholic Church allow the Bible to be translated?

From AD 382-420, a new translation was made into the Latin vernacular, the Vulgate, which became the dominant translation for Western Christianity in the 7th-9th centuries. From about the 9th century it was regarded as the only valid Bible translation.

Why did William Tyndale translated the Bible into English?

Tyndale became convinced that the Bible alone should determine the practices and doctrines of the church and that all believers should be able to read the Bible in their own language.

Which part of the Bible did Tyndale first translate?

Tyndale’s translation of the Pentateuch was published at Antwerp by Merten de Keyser in 1530. His English version of the Book of Jonah was published the following year. This was followed by his revised version of the Book of Genesis in 1534.

Who was the first person to translate the Bible in English?

William Tyndale
William Tyndale (1494?-1536), who first translated the Bible into English from the original Greek and Hebrew text, is one such forgotten pioneer. As David Daniell, the author of the latest biography of Tyndale, writes, “William Tyndale gave us our English Bible” and “he made a language for England.”

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Why was the Bible translated Latin?

The Latin translation of the Bible written by St. Jerome, who was asked by Pope Damasus in 382 A.D. to bring order out of the proliferation of Old Latin versions which were in circulation. His translation became the standard Latin version of the Bible for the Western Latin-speaking Church.

Why was the Bible translated into Latin?

Who first translated the Bible into English?

The first complete English-language version of the Bible dates from 1382 and was credited to John Wycliffe and his followers.

Did the Catholic Church translate the Bible?

For much of the last five centuries, Catholics and Protestants translated their bibles with this key difference in mind; however, important to note, is that the Catholic Church has recently moved away from authorizing only translations that evolved from the Latin Vulgate, encouraging instead that the bible be …

Who translated the Catholic Bible into English?

Why did the Catholic Church sentence William Tyndale to death?

The Catholic Church did not sentence William Tyndale to death, that was the civil authorities, starting with Henry VIII, who wanted him executed for Treason and Heresy. Heresy is what he was officially found guilty of and executed by the State.

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Was Tyndale condemned for translating the Bible?

Phrasing it this way makes it sound as if the heresy Tyndale was condemned for was the act of translating the Bible into English. This is a common mistake and often repeated. In fact, when doing a bit of research for this article, I came across several web sites on Tyndale that said just this.

Who was William Tyndale and what did he do?

William Tyndale is the man who translated the Bible into English and was burnt alive at the ridiculous young age of 42 years old, for his efforts.

Was Thomas Tyndale the father of the English Bible?

She reported that today he’s known as “the father of the English Bible.” Phrasing it this way makes it sound as if the heresy Tyndale was condemned for was the act of translating the Bible into English. This is a common mistake and often repeated.