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Why did the Dudleys not want Harry to go to Hogwarts?

Why did the Dudleys not want Harry to go to Hogwarts?

In no particular order, the apparently reasons why the Dursleys wanted Harry not to go to Hogwarts were these: Petunia had already lost her sister to magic. Harry was all that she had left of her, and if she’d had her way, Lily would have never gone. (She punished Harry for her loss, as he looked just like his father.

What happened to the Dursley family?

Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley were forced from their homes to be placed under the protection of the Order of the Phoenix due to the threat of Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Dudley was the only member of the Dursleys to show any interest in reconciling with Harry.

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What did the Howler to Aunt Petunia mean?

REMEMBER MY LAST, PETUNIA The Howler’s angry message. This howler was written by Albus Dumbledore to Petunia Dursley on 2 August, 1995, to remind her “of the pact she had sealed by taking Harry Potter” into her home. This howler ensured Harry Potter continued to reside at the Dursley residence.

Why didn’t Dumbledore help Harry find the other Horcruxes?

Harry and Dumbledore barely survived obtaining a fake Horcrux from an enchanted cave in Half-Blood Prince, but that didn’t stop Albus from telling Harry that he had to continue the search for the rest of Voldemort’s Horcruxes… without help from experienced adults. Harry was only allowed to entrust Ron and Hermione with this mission.

Why did Dumbledore decide to keep his distance from Voldemort?

TLDR: Dumbledore knew Voldemort was trying to manipulate Harry and thought that keeping his distance would help Harry in the long run, which it didn’t. If I recall correctly, he believed that if he kept his distance from Harry, Harry wouldn’t be tempted by Voldemort’s influence.

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Why did Dumbledore treat Harry as coldly as he did?

So Dumbledore treated Harry as coldly as possible for many reasons: 1- He’s trying to keep himself and Harry safe. He doesn’t want Voldemort to know that he and Harry share a close bond that goes beyond Headmaster and pupil. He doesn’t want Voldemort to get the idea that he can use Harry to get to Dumbledore.

Why didn’t Dumbledore go to the Triwizard Tournament with Harry?

When Harry made it clear that he didn’t enter himself into the Triwizard Tournament, Dumbledore knew that something was wrong and that Harry’s life might be in danger. For some reason, though, he didn’t go on to do everything in his power to ensure Harry would make it out of the dangerous event alive.