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Why did the harp stop playing in Harry Potter?

Why did the harp stop playing in Harry Potter?

As that meant the stone was no longer safe, they decided to go after Snape themselves, and Harry brought along the flute that Hagrid had given him for Christmas to use in lulling Fluffy to sleep. Fluffy soon awoke, as the enchantment on the harp wore off, and it stopped playing.

When Harry Ron and Hermione go through the trapdoor they see a challenge where they have to fly and catch a key who sets this challenge?

Behind the scenes

Room Book PS2/Xbox/Gamecube Game
Potion riddle Hermione solves the riddle; Harry goes through the black flames, Hermione goes through the purple flames to go get help as there is only enough potion for one of them to go through the black flames. Not seen.
Mirror of Erised antechamber Not seen. Not seen.

Why was Hermione in the bathroom with the troll?

Because she wanted to be seen as the brave know it all who wasn’t afraid of a troll; as opposed to admitting to the teachers she was fragile and crying in the bathroom, because she didn’t have friends and nobody liked her.

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What did Harry Ron and Hermione find behind the locked door?

The third of the Underground Chambers was filled with the winged keys, which at first appeared to be birds. As they soon discovered the locked door at the end of the room was impervious to the Unlocking Charm (Alohomora), they also realised the keys were not, in fact, birds.

Why does Hermione put Neville in a body bind?

Neville gets the full body bind curse for trying to stop the trio from going after the stone. Because they have no time to explain the details of their mission to Neville, Hermione puts the full body bind curse on him so they can leave the common room.

What happened when Harry locked the mountain troll in the room?

They then noticed the troll lurking about the corridor and unknowingly locked the troll in the girls bathroom with Hermione. Realising their mistake, they ran in to rescue a terrified Hermione. Harry, meanwhile, jumped on the troll and shoved his wand up its nose in an attempt to stop it.

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Who stole the Philosopher’s Stone?

Once Voldemort learned that the Stone had been removed to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he conspired with Quirrell to steal it from the school. As Quirrell had brought Voldemort back into England, Voldemort was on top of the situation and could give Quirrell directions.

What do Harry and Malfoy see out in the Forbidden Forest?

Harry, Hermione, and Neville are told to report to Hagrid that night for their detention. When they show up, they are surprised to find that detention will be held in the surrounding Forbidden Forest. Harry and Malfoy come across a mysterious cloaked figure drinking the blood of a recently killed unicorn.

What did Ron say to Hermione about her in Harry Potter?

In Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Ron would say to Harry how annoying Hermione was, likening her to a “nightmare”, and didn’t know Hermione was listening in on the conversation. This caused her to be where the mountain troll attacked, and Ron and Harry ended up saving her.

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What happened to Hermione after she was cured of petrified?

After Hermione was cured from being petrified, she raced into Harry’s arms to celebrate being back; cut to her reunion with Ron, and the two had an awkward handshake despite Ron earlier being just as happy as Harry had been to see Hermione.

Why is Hermione Granger so good at everything?

Hermione is known for being the smartest person in her grade, and she often excels at all of her classes. There are times when Harry does better at her in Defense Against the Dark Arts, but the thing Hermione really can’t stand is when Harry uses the Half-Blood Prince book to do better at potions.

What happens to Harry after Christmas break in Harry Potter?

After Christmas break, Harry, Ron, and Hermione resume their search for Nicolas Flamel, though Harry’s time is increasingly consumed by Quidditch practice. At practice one day, Harry learns that Snape will be refereeing the next game. He and his friends wonder whether Snape might try to harm Harry during the game.