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Why did the Trill change from TNG to DS9?

Why did the Trill change from TNG to DS9?

The real-world reason for the decision for the change was probably that the make-up with the forehead ridges didn’t look good on Terry Farrell, according to the DS9 Companion.

How long Trill symbionts live?

Through the experience gained from multiple hosts, many symbionts gained distinguished reputations from other species as Trill. They were long-lived compared to most humanoid species, and could easily live beyond 550 years.

What happened to the Dax symbiont?

Upon his death, the Dax symbiont was transferred into Jadzia. This moment is shown during Jadzia’s orb-induced flashback in “Emissary”, the first DS9 episode, although Curzon is shown as being conscious during the transferral.

Is Trill a member of the federation?

While Trill were seen serving in Starfleet and as Federation diplomats in the 24th century, the Trill homeworld was never explicitly established to be a member of the Federation at that time.

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What does a trill look like?

The trill (or shake, as it was known from the 16th until the early 20th century) is a musical ornament consisting of a rapid alternation between two adjacent notes, usually a semitone or tone apart, which can be identified with the context of the trill (compare mordent and tremolo).

Are trills telepathic?

Trills are a humanoid species, and have numerous spots running on each side of their bodies. Some unjoined Trills, known as Guardians, have telepathic abilities which allow them to connect with the Symbionts, even though they aren’t host to any.

Can a human host a Trill symbiont?

Humans Are Not Traditionally Compatible With Trill Symbionts “The Host” reveals Trill symbionts can indeed bond with humans, but it’s hardly a pleasant experience. In “The Host,” viewers were introduced to the Trill diplomat Odan, who was critically injured during an attack on a shuttlecraft.

Is Adira Tal non binary?

Adira Tal was a non-binary Human who lived on the planet Earth and later the USS Discovery during the late 32nd century.

Why was DAX killed off DS9?

Jadzia Dax was killed off because the actress wanted time off to do other things and the idea was that she wanted to have a lesser role in the plot lines of Deep Space 9; sadly the producers refused and she was written out all together. So Terry Farrell left and was replace by Nicole de Boer who played Ezri Dax.

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What does Worf say when Jadzia dies?

The scripting of this episode as well as discussions by senior writing staff pertaining to the death of Jadzia Dax are chronicled and partially reproduced in Star Trek: Action!, released by Pocket Books. Worf’s farewell song to Jadzia is: “Only Qo’noS endures. All we can hope for is a glorious death.

When did Star Trek introduce trills?

The Trill were first introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation, in the season 4 episode “The Host.” They would go on to become one of Star Trek’s most well-known alien species, mostly thanks to the exploration of their culture on Deep Space Nine through the character of Jadzia (and later Ezri) Dax.

What is the Tagalog of Trill?

To utter trills or a trill; to play or sing in tremulous vibrations of sound; to have a trembling sound; to quaver. source: Webster 1913. English to Tagalog. noun. [tril] Panginginig ng tinig.

What happens to symbionts when a host dies away from Trill?

( DS9: ” Dax “, ” Invasive Procedures “) Assuming that a symbiont survived a host’s unexpected death away from Trill, it would be removed and stabilized for medical emergency transport back to Trill to be joined with another appropriate host.

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What happened to the symbiont in Star Trek?

( TNG: ” The Host “) The Burn in the 31st century resulted in the decimation of the symbiont and joinable-host population. By the 32nd century, Trill could be found at the exchanges, but on the homeworld, reconnecting with a symbiont was considered a blessing.

What is the difference between DS9 trills and DS9 symbionts?

The DS9 Trills couldn’t be more different. Once the symbiont is implanted into the host’s body, the two individuals form a joined species and therefore a new person. This person does not only take over the memories of the symbiont, the current and all of the previous hosts, but also parts of their personalities.

What is the origin of the Trill symbionts?

In the series bible of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the Trill symbionts and humanoids were said to have lived underground and on the surface of Trill respectively, “many centuries ago.”. The description continued, “Due to an environmental disaster, they were forced to ‘join’ to survive.