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Why did they change Klingons again?

Why did they change Klingons again?

In canon, the official explanation for why there were smooth-headed Klingons finally came in an Enterprise episode oh-so-subtly titled “Divergence.” This episode revealed that in the 22nd Century (a hundred years before TOS and two hundred before TNG) a segment of the Klingon population was infected with a virus from …

Why did discovery change the way Klingons look?

The Klingons had already changed a lot since their first appearance in 1967, and people were pissed about Discovery giving them yet another new look. Each Klingon redesign has a simple real-world explanation: better makeup and prosthetics.

Why do Klingons have ridges in Discovery?

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In TOS their foreheads were flat exactly like those of humans. The only distinguishing mark was their beards. In TMP and thereafter, however, the Klingons had ridges on their foreheads, to emphasize their being alien but probably also their martial nature.

Why does Worf look different?

The change in their appearance, as well as their behavior, was the result of Klingon scientists attempting to augment their own physiques with enhanced human DNA left over from a Eugenics war on Earth.

What did Klingons evolved from?

The Klingons (tlhIngan in Klingonese) were a humanoid warrior species that originated from the planet Qo’noS (pronounced Kronos), an M-class planet in the Beta Quadrant.

Why did Klingons lose their ridges?

In 2154, a group of Klingons managed to get their hands on Human Augments, a genetic material they used to try and improve their own genetic makeup. It was in the early stages of this plague that these Klingons lost the ridges on their foreheads.

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What is the Klingon homeworld?

The proper name of the Klingon Homeworld is Kronos but the formal name, Q’onoS, is capitalized when written. Green in color, it is a planet of the star Klingon and the site of the Imperial Empire’s capital First City.

Why do Klingons have ridges in discovery?

Why are the Klingons redesigning the Star Trek universe?

It turns out that’s on purpose. The creators of Star Trek: Discovery wanted to redesign the Klingons. There had to be a narrative reason to do so. That’s why these new Klingons are utilizing ancient Klingon technology. Their families might even be isolated from regular Klingon life. That’s where the leaders of this Klingon faction come into play.

How old is the Klingon ship from discovery?

The time of the prequel series,,, Star Trek: Enterprise ,,, was in the 2150s. Discovery takes place in the 2250s. So quick 200-year-old math means this old Klingon ship is from 2050, only three decades in our own future!

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Who is Kol on ‘Star Trek Discovery’?

The creators of Star Trek: Discovery wanted to redesign the Klingons. There had to be a narrative reason to do so. That’s why these new Klingons are utilizing ancient Klingon technology. Their families might even be isolated from regular Klingon life. That’s where the leaders of this Klingon faction come into play. Kenneth Mitchell plays Kol.

Will there be long-haired Klingons on Star Trek Discovery?

All of this could mean there will be several different types of Klingons on Star Trek: Discovery, including the long-haired Next Generation variety.