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Why did they make Gohan so weak?

Why did they make Gohan so weak?

Gohan even had trouble getting into Super Saiyan. But happened between Z and Super to Gohan, and why is Gohan so weak? Gohan is weak because he stopped training. As a result, he lost his high power level and his ability to easily transform into Super Saiyan and his ultimate form.

Why is Kid Gohan stronger than adult Gohan?

Because Adult Gohan stopped his training and spent his time on school/being a scholar during the Great Saiyaman and Golden Frieza Sagas. Because Teen Gohan had access to SS2. Adolescent Gohan, being as rusty as he was, forgot how to tap into that power.

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Why does future Gohan look different?

Future Gohan before acquiring his facial scar Future Gohan appears as a tall, stern, and muscular man. He also obtains a scar that runs down the left side of his face, the after effect of an injury sustained during a battle with the androids that also cost him his left arm.

Why is Gohan so strong as a kid?

Gohan’s hidden power was talked about from almost the very first episode of Dragon Ball Z until nearly the very end. As far as he goes, his strength comes from the fact that he was thrown into fighting life and death battles when he was just 4 with the arrival of Raditz and his training under Piccolo.

Can Teen Gohan Beat Adult Gohan?

Barring some kind of miracle, the high school-aged Gohan would lose pretty hard to his younger self. Teen Gohan SSJ2 was stronger than SSJ2 Adult Gohan Vegeta and Goku even stated that Gohan when he was fighting Cell was stronger than him now.

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How did adult Gohan lose his arm?

He was successful in hiding until the androids decided to bomb the entire area in hopes of driving them out. Future Gohan manages to protect Trunks and stay hidden, but at the cost of his left arm, which is completely blown off in the bombing.

How much weaker will Gohan get after 5 years?

After 5 years, it is expected than Gohan has become significantly weaker. But again, if he were to train for a few months, his power would probably go up exponentially.

How strong is Gohan compared to Goku?

In BoG, Gohan was probably still the strongest or at least on the same level as Goku before he goes SSJG, hence the reason why they made it a point to have him step in as if he was the only one who could stop Beerus. Obviously, that didn’t work out too well for him.

How long did Gohan train after the Buu Saga?

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According to the timelineof dragon ball, about 5 years have passed between the end the buu saga and the Resurection of F saga. Gohan hasn’t trained at all since then. We can choose the analogy of professional athletes here: they need to train almost everyday to maintain their form, let alone get “stronger”.

Can Gohan sense Frieza’s Ki in base form?

Yes, when Gohan clearly states than he is no match of Frieza, he is still in his base form. Gohan might be able to sense Frieza’s ki beyond his current form, but this is just speculation. Share Improve this answer