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Why do I not get close to anyone?

Why do I not get close to anyone?

Behind a fear of intimacy is a fear of facing up to yourself and what you perceive (erroneously) as your weaknesses. We avoid being close to others because they would then see these apparent ‘flaws’, which can be feelings of sadness, anger, shame and grief.

Why is it so hard for me to maintain friendships?

If you have social anxiety, you might doubt yourself frequently around other people. This self-doubt can cause trouble keeping friends. Social anxiety often makes it hard to think rationally. Instead of enjoying the moment, you might feel preoccupied with what the other person is thinking.

Why do friends drop me?

Sometimes, people initiate the cut-off because they feel some sort of way about your friendship. And have been for awhile. Maybe they’ve been feeling neglected, maybe you’ve been really overbearing (and didn’t know this), maybe you were really insensitive (and weren’t aware of this).

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What happens to people who don’t have friends?

What is often very sad about these situations is to see how negative people can get about themselves when they do not have friends. They may very well be able to function in terms of getting things done that they need done; they also may be able to contribute quite a lot to their communities.

Why don’t people on social media count as close friends?

Dr. Chen explained why all the people you know on Facebook or Instagram don’t necessarily count as close friends: “When we post something on Facebook and people give us affirmation in the way of nice comments or encouragement, that feels good, but it doesn’t necessarily create intimacy because there’s no give and take.”

Why do people put so much emphasis on making friends?

But when people cannot make friends, they often think very negatively about themselves, even if they have reason to be very positive about other aspects of their lives. In my opinion, the emphasis that people put on friendships and intense social relationships comes about because humans are often described as “social animals.”

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Why do I have a hard time making friends with people?

Key points People who are uncomfortable with others or prefer to be alone may have a hard time maintaining friendships. Personality issues such as being pushy, too talkative, or controlling can be off-putting to others. Talking to an objective third party such as a therapist can help reveal issues that interfere with friendships.