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Why do investment banks only hire Ivy League?

Why do investment banks only hire Ivy League?

Most undergrads don’t know very much, certainly they don’t know very much when they’re up against expert practitioners in their fields. So investment banks don’t hire undergrads for what they know that’s relevant to the job, they hire them for how well they can learn what they need to know.

Can you work on Wall Street without a college degree?

It’s possible, its not that likely. Most people hired to work on wall street have degrees, There would be some people that don’t. They would be unusual circumstances.

What schools does Wall Street hire from?

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MIT, University of Michigan, Stanford, Georgetown, Berkeley, and the University of Chicago, along with top liberal arts colleges, are among the non-Ivy League schools recruited by Wall Street.

Does Goldman Sachs only hire Ivy?

No. There are a lot of people from Goldman-Sachs that come from the Ivy League, but GS also recruits pretty heavily from the big name public schools (including my school University of Texas at Austin).

Do you need an Ivy League degree for Wall Street?

You can absolutely get off to a successful start in an investing career without an Ivy League degree. There is a stereotype of investment bankers and traders who work on Wall Street all having Ivy League degrees, and the very largest investment banks do recruit heavily at elite colleges.

Is Baruch a feeder school?

The guidebook says Baruch is one of the few accessible public institutions that is a direct feeder to many of Wall Street’s top banks. Baruch’s profile notes the top employers for graduates of the Class of 2019 were JP Morgan (23 graduates), PwC (12), EY (11), Bank of America (9), and Citi (8).

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What jobs make a lot of money with little schooling?

Top high-paying jobs that require little schooling

  • Civil engineering technician. Average base pay: $76,540 per year.
  • Computer programmer. Average base pay: $76,526 per year.
  • Construction manager.
  • Website developer.
  • Registered nurse.
  • Clinical laboratory assistant.
  • Diagnostic medical sonographer.
  • Physical therapist assistant.

Does Wall Street hire from Cornell?

As you can see from the rankings below, both Cornell and UVA have excellent placement on Wall Street, but they tend to place well at different firms. From personal experience, I have seen that top firms recruit extensively at Cornell and I would imagine that the same holds true for UVA.

Is BU a target school?

Boston University is higher ranked and generally considered better, especially the business school. Realistically neither are a target school for Wall Street (although BU actually is for HSBC) so you will have to rely on networking your way in.

Why do so many Ivy League grads go to Wall Street?

Elite students with few marketable skills are perfect forms for financial firms to mold. Wall Street — like law, management consulting and Teach for America — is taking advantage of the weakness in liberal arts education. …