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Why do larger elements have higher entropy?

Why do larger elements have higher entropy?

Large, complicated molecules have more disorder because of the greater number of ways they can move around in three-dimensional space. Entropies of ionic solids are larger when the bonds within them are weaker (columns 3 and 4).

How entropy can be increased?

If you increase temperature, you increase entropy. (1) More energy put into a system excites the molecules and the amount of random activity. (2) As a gas expands in a system, entropy increases.

What changes results to greater entropy?

The amount of entropy is a measure of the molecular disorder, or randomness, of a system. Solid to liquid phase transition happens when closest order of molecules alignment is still valid. At the same time evaporation of liquid results in much greater change of entropy as the disorder of the system increases greatly.

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How does number of particles affect entropy?

2.As the number of particles increases, there are more particles which contribute to randomness.So the entropy increases. 3. Gasses have the highest entropy as their molecules are far apart from each other and degree of freedom is more.

Why is the entropy change for 2 larger than that for 1?

The entropy change for process 2 is larger than that of process 1 because it has a higher temperature that causes more disorder.

How does the change in entropy influence the occurrence of a given thermodynamic process?

Reversible and Irreversible Changes Changes in entropy (ΔS), together with changes in enthalpy (ΔH), enable us to predict in which direction a chemical or physical change will occur spontaneously.

Does entropy always increase in a spontaneous process?

The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of the universe always increases for a spontaneous process. The net change in entropy of the system, ∆S , equals the sum of the entropy created during the spontaneous process and the change in energy associated with the heat flow.

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In which change does the entropy not increase?

The entropy of various parts of the system may change, but the total change is zero. Furthermore, the system does not affect the entropy of its surroundings, since heat transfer between them does not occur. Thus the reversible process changes neither the total entropy of the system nor the entropy of its surroundings.

Why is the entropy change for Process 2 larger than that for Process 1?

Does increasing volume increase entropy?

Changes in volume will lead to changes in entropy. The larger the volume the more ways there are to distribute the molecules in that volume; the more ways there are to distribute the molecules (energy), the higher the entropy. An increase in volume will increase the entropy.

Why do heavier molecules have higher entropy?

The more closely spaced the levels, the more different ways the same quantity of energy can be distributed among them. This applies in general for any number of particles and any quantity of energy. Therefore, the heavier the molecules of a substance, the larger its molar entropy. Therefore the entropy is greater.