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Why do people dislike Unity engines?

Why do people dislike Unity engines?

Unity is hated because it allows low skill developers to make games.

Why is Unity game engine so bad?

In our opinion, it doesn’t have to be the fault of the engine itself. More often it’s a result of the very low entry threshold for creating applications on Unity. This factor in combination with the lack of programming experience leads to a high number of poor applications and games created on Unity engine.

Is Unity a good game engine?

Yes,Unity is one of the best game engine for developing games. The key attractions to why Unity is so powerful are the low learning curve for beginners, active ecosystem of asset and plugin creators,rapid development speed, and its cross platform integration that supports 25 platforms.

Should I use Unity or Unreal engine?

If you’re a beginner looking to learn how to code and create a wide range of games – go with Unity. If you’re not interested in coding and want better graphical performance – go with Unreal.

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What are the bad things about unity?

Another bad thing that made things works is the now-usual early access feature 90\% of the game has. With Unity as a development tool, early-access is really a bad idea PR-wise unless the project is rock-solid from the start.

Why does steam hate unity so much?

The answers thus far have focused on the wrong aspects of the Unity Engine. Steam is not a community of developers, the population does not suffer from envy over one individual punching above their weight class and bringing to market a game with little to no experience.

Why are Unity games so hard to optimize?

An engine that supports every computing device known to man, it is hard to imagine how they even made it work, let alone optimizing. It’s not very obvious because most Unity games don’t have that many stuff on screen and modern hardware are just brutle fast.

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Is unity a good game engine for beginners?

Unity is a fantastic engine if it’s not in your budget or skillset to work with a different engine. Unity is user friendly and can make a variety of different types of games but it tends to have a very specific look and feel to all of the games no matter how modified the coding and polishing is.