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Why do people go so slow in the left lane?

Why do people go so slow in the left lane?

There are a combination of reasons why some drivers go slower than traffic flow in the left lane. They want the comfort of driving in the left lane because right lanes are where people exit or merge onto the freeway. Too much lane changing and traffic weaving left and right on the right side.

Can you drive faster in the fast lane?

It is, theoretically, the same speed limit as any other lane on that roadway. In the US, the “official” speed limit in the far left lane is whatever speed limit is posted for that section of roadway. It is, theoretically, the same speed limit as any other lane on that roadway.

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Why you shouldn’t stay in the left lane?

When drivers travel in the left lane, it makes the road more congested and probably more dangerous for all parties involved. If relatively slow drivers are scattered among the right and left lanes, faster drivers have to repeatedly slow down and weave back and forth, changing lanes many times to pass all of them.

Can you go faster in the left lane?

Common practice and most law on United States highways is that the left lane is reserved for passing and faster moving traffic, and that traffic using the left lane must yield to traffic wishing to overtake. However, similar to the states below, slow traffic must stay right.

Are Californians bad drivers?

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) – A report has found that California drivers are among some of the worst in the United States, ranking as the fourth-worst state in the country in 2021. Drivers were evaluated on a four factor system: Accidents.

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Why does everyone drive so fast now?

There are lots of reasons why drivers speed. Late for an appointment or work, the enjoyment of going fast, inattention, and so forth. But one of the main reasons is that people on average tend to drive at the fastest reasonable speed for the particular road.