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Why do people think gaming is not a sport?

Why do people think gaming is not a sport?

Video games do not require physical activity, and though professional gamers do practice their gaming for many hours of the day, athletes are physically training and growing their muscles for the game throughout the week. That’s why we believe video games are not a sport.

Do you think Esports are really sports?

Yes, esports qualifies as a real sport, just as video games qualify as real entertainment and art. Esports has much of the same emotional impact that physical sports have. Esports also has spectators, often many more than at physical sports events.

Are video games for nerds?

Originally Answered: Does playing video games make you a nerd? No. I do not see any relation with being a nerd and playing video games. First, playing video games can help people gain confidence and learn to socialize(through multiplayer).

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Is gaming a waste of time?

Video Games can be a Huge Waste of Time. Just like watching TV or spending time on Facebook, playing video games can also waste a lot of time. If you play mindlessly, avoid life, and end up not getting done what you need to get done then you are officially and literally wasting time.

Are gamers real athletes?

By most measures, videogaming is already a sport, and gamers are a highly evolved breed of extreme athlete. The top players form teams, compete in leagues, hire full-time coaches, and adopt strict training regimens. Not in a world where bass fishermen, bridge players, and skeet shooters call themselves athletes.

Why esports are real sports?

Instead, games like League of Legends, Rocket League, DOTA, and Overwatch that require fine motor skills, hand eye coordination, sharp reaction time, communication, and team dynamics are proper esports. Because of this, esports have become hyper competitive, with massive global player bases all vying to be the best.

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Is a gamer a nerd or geek?

A gamer plays games; A geek plays games and knows an extreme amount of information about said game. They would know about its development and the company who made it; A nerd is who programs and subsequently plays the games.

What is the most nerdy video game?

10 Video Games That Book Nerds Will Love

  1. The Mass Effect Series. What really makes Mass Effect great are the characters.
  2. The Dragon Age Series.
  3. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
  4. Kentucky Route Zero.
  5. Ever, Jane.
  6. Elder Scrolls Online.
  7. Heavy Rain.
  8. The Last of Us.

What is the point of AFK games?

If you’re chatting online or playing an MMO, afk lets your friends know that you are stepping away from the keyboard.