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Why do the Indian parents do not encourage their children to take up sports as a profession?

Why do the Indian parents do not encourage their children to take up sports as a profession?

Parents of all the students do not have enough resources to support their children in the situation of failures in sports. Success ratio in sports is little as compared to that in studies. Because according to Indian society and mentality, sports cannot be considered as career.

How do you convince parents to let you play football?

Tell your parents that you want to talk to them about playing the sport….Ask for their input.

  1. Ask them something like, “I know that you had some questions about the sport.
  2. If, for example, your parents are worried that sports could interfere with your schoolwork, show them the study schedule you drew up for yourself.
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Why parents should let their kids play sports?

Participation in sports allows kids to make lasting friendships, develop communication skills, feel a sense of community and learn to respect their teammates and coaches. Even athletes in individual sports learn to work as a team with their coach and make lasting friendships with others in their sport.

Should parents let their child play football pros and cons?

Should You Let Your Kid Play Football?

  • Pro: Playing football can help kids stay in shape.
  • Con: Football players are at high risk for concussions.
  • Pro: Kids who play sports do better in school.
  • Con: Injuries can have long-lasting effects.
  • Pro: Organized sports help teach kids life lessons.

Why your parents should let you play football?

You develop skills like teamwork, responsibility, perseverance, and leadership just to name a few. You also develop a sense of awareness that helps in the real world. Parents should allow their children to play football so they can experience the rush that hits you when you step onto the field.

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Why should my child play football?

Participating in football—like any sport—provides many health benefits for children. It’s a physically demanding game that provides an opportunity for players to improve their speed, agility, strength, hand-eye coordination and overall cardiovascular endurance.

How many parents don’t let their kids play football?

Contact sports include football, soccer, and basketball. And four in 10 parents say “no” to football for their children, continuing a trend that has seen parental approval of football participation plummet in recent years. Concussion fears are also strongly impacting teens.

Is 13 a good age to start football?

I will just take out some points from there. 13 is a perfect age to start playing and learning football.