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Why does cinder hate Ruby?

Why does cinder hate Ruby?

Later, Cinder was shown to have more or less reigned in her hatred for Ruby in order to give Neo the chance to kill her. With her even acknowledging that she could not win on her own and acknowledging that she needed Neo’s help to get rid of Ruby and her group to accomplish her goals.

How did Ruby hurt cinder?

Cinder was only affected by Ruby’s Silver Eyes because of the Parasite Grimm she used to steal the powers of the Fall Maiden from Amber. They had no effect on Raven whatsoever during the Battle of Haven, despite the fact that she’s the current host for the powers of the Spring Maiden.

Can cinder be redeemed?

Cinder is kind of the antithesis to Zuko – she has no honour, routinely uses underhanded or sneaky methods to get what she wants, has burned down multiple areas and treats her subordinates as expendable. Thus it follows that she isn’t compatible with a redemption arc, since she is everything Zuko is not.

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Can pyrrha beaten cinder?

While primarily an armed combatant, Pyrrha was capable in hand-to-hand as well, staggering enemies with regular kicks and grappling with Cinder Fall in their final battle. However, while all Pyrrha’s skills were honed and deadly, none of them were elevated to a degree she could dominate with.

Does cinder care about Emerald?

In “Midnight”, Emerald was overjoyed upon seeing Cinder waking up and defended her from Mercury after he began belittling her for her choice of going against Salem’s orders and that Cinder never cared for her. Emerald was disheartened once again when Cinder told her and Mercury to get out.

Who is the villain in RWBY?

Salem is the main antagonist of the American animated web series RWBY. She leads a group of people with malicious plans, with her goals being to divide and weaken the people of Remnant, then collect the four Relics and summon the Gods so they will finally end her immortality.

What happened to cinders eye?

However, Cinder lost her left eye at Beacon. Also, keep in mind that the bug transferred the Maiden powers up Cinder’s right arm and formed a “mask” in her RIGHT EYE. However, Cinder lost her left eye at Beacon.

What happened to cinders arm?

Shadow Hand During the Fall of Beacon, Cinder becomes injured by Ruby’s Silver Eyes. Her left arm is replaced with a Grimm limb known as a “Shadow Hand”.

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How did Ozpin lose to cinder?

The lights in the vault are turned off, and only the flashes from their weapons are seen. The two clash swiftly blocking each other’s hits. Ozpin eventually manages to hit Cinder with The Long Memory, knocking her back several feet. Cinder halts to a stop on her feet, melting the ground beneath her.

Does pyrrha return?

We never actually saw him die.” Unsurprisingly, he returned alive later in the trilogy. Pyrrha’s death, however, left absolutely no room for interpretation. As much as it pains me to say it, Pyrrha Nikos is conclusively dead and will not return in RWBY.

Is Emerald in love with cinder?

In “Fault” despite their time apart and Cinder’s own degrading and disrespectful tone to her during their Reunion, Emerald was still shown to retain her strong loyalty and devotion to Cinder despite the way she treats her.

Does mercury like Emerald?

Mercury does, at least a little, genuinely care for Emerald; he goes about it in a dickish way but trying to recognize Cinder’s abusive behavior is one of the most noble things he’s done all show.

What happened to Cinder Fall in Ruby vs Ruby?

” Ruby vs. Cinder ” is an encounter where Ruby Rose finds Cinder Fall infiltrating the Cross Continental Transmit System Tower. The two exchange blows briefly, but the fight is interrupted by General Ironwood’s arrival. When Ruby recovers from the distraction, Cinder has already fled from the scene.

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How did cinder appear in RWBY?

Her machinations are the driving force behind the events of the first three volumes of RWBY. She made her first appearance in the Volume 1 episode ” Ruby Rose “. Cinder used a special Grimm glove to steal half of the Fall Maiden’s powers from Amber. During the Fall of Beacon, she gained the other half and killed Ozpin in battle .

How did cinder become the Fall Maiden?

In “Heroes and Monsters”, Cinder becomes the new Fall Maiden, granting her vast power. However, in “End of the Beginning”, Ruby Rose unleashed an attack of unexplained nature using her silver eyes, enveloping Cinder in a blinding flash of light.

How does cinder kill Ruby and Glynda?

Cinder is knocked around but unleashes a large blast that turns all the debris to ash. Ruby uses Crescent Rose to fire at Cinder, but Cinder easily deflects the attacks. Cinder then creates a group of explosions under Ruby and Glynda, forcing them to jump away, giving her and Roman time to escape.