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Why does phosphorus have a lower electron affinity than sulfur?

Why does phosphorus have a lower electron affinity than sulfur?

Since the 3p electrons in sulfur (that sulfur would lose) are paired, sulfur has more electron repulsion in those orbitals than phosphorus does, so it takes less energy input to remove an electron from sulfur. Hence, since the ionization occurs more easily, the ionization energy is smaller.

Why does phosphorus have a less negative electron affinity than its neighbors silicon and sulfur?

We’re talking about the energy being released when an electron is added so it’s draw in the added electron. So in phosphorus, if we add in an electron, we can see that phosphorous will no longer have 1/2 felled orbital. So since the reaction is unfavorable, electron affinity is less negative.

Why sulphur has more electron affinity?

Q: The electron affinity of sulfur is greater than oxygen. Solution: This is because of smaller size of oxygen due to which it has got higher change density and thus electronic repulsion increases as it takes electron.

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Why is the electron affinity of phosphorus less than silicon?

Re: Electron Affinity Relationship of C and N. This is because of the p orbitals of these elements. For example, phosphorous has its 3P orbital half-filled which is fairly stable so when one more electron is accepted the stability is disturbed. This is why the electron affinity of phosphorous is less than silicon.

Why is phosphorus larger than sulfur?

Phosphorus has a larger atomic radius than Sulfur. This is due to the difference in the number of protons in the nucleus which affects the effective…

Why is phosphorus more stable than sulfur?

Either all unpaired or all paired makes it stable, so if phosphorus is all unpaired it take more energy to remove an electron than it would from sulfur in which one electron can be removed making it more stable.

Why does phosphorus have higher electron affinity than silicon?

However, in order to form P-, the extra electron must pair up with an existing electron in one of the p-orbitals. The extra repulsion involved leads to the electron affinity being lower for P than for Si despite the higher nuclear charge.

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What is electron affinity of phosphorus?

Electron Affinity of Phosphorus is 72 kJ/mol.

What is the electron affinity of phosphorus?

Electron affinity can be defined in two equivalent ways. First, as the energy that is released by adding an electron to an isolated gaseous atom….Elements.

Z 15
Element P
Name Phosphorus
Electron affinity (eV) 0.746 609(11)
Electron affinity (kJ/mol) 72.037(1)

Why IP of phosphorus is greater than Sulphur?

As we know that half filled and full filled orbitals has higher stability as compared to partially filled orbitals. Hence Phosphorus is more stable than Sulphur, which makes it harder to extract an electron from Phosphorus and hence first ionization enthalpy of Phosphorus is higher than that of the Sulphur.

What is electron affinity of Phosphorus?

What is the electron affinity of sulfur?

200 kJ/mol.
Electron Affinity of Sulfur is 200 kJ/mol.

Why does sulfur have a higher ionization energy than phosphorus?

Well, it is for the same reason nitrogen atom has a higher first ionization energy than oxygen atom. Since the 3p electrons in sulfur (that sulfur would lose) are paired, sulfur has more electron repulsion in those orbitals than phosphorus does, so it takes less energy input to remove an electron from sulfur.

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Why is electron affinity less negative when phosphorus is added?

So as we can see, the addition of an electron is the least favorable for phosphorus because it is no longer in the stable state of 1/2 filled orbital. And for call that electron affinity is more negative for favourable reactions. So since the reaction is unfavorable, electron affinity is less negative.

Is electron affinity positive or negative ionization energy?

Negative: When energy is released while accepting an electron. Positive: When energy is supplied to an atom while adding an electron. Electron affinity means love for electron. It is the negative of the electron gain enthalpy. Why does Phosphorus has more ionization energy than sulfur?

Why does nitrogen have a negative electron affinity?

This means that the incoming electron will experience significant repulsion compared with when it’s added to an empty orbital. As a result, you need energy to add an electron to nitrogen, and hence its electron affinity is actually negative.
