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Why does Spock look completely Vulcan?

Why does Spock look completely Vulcan?

Spock looks Vulcan because of genetic traits manifested from his Vulcan-human genetic inheritance. In genetics generally, traits in offspring are those contributed by the parents. A genetically dominant trait is manifested if either parent contributes it.

Is Spock more human or Vulcan?

Species Half-Vulcan (paternal) Half-human (maternal)
Title Ensign Lieutenant Lieutenant commander Commander Captain Ambassador
Position USS Enterprise Second officer/Science officer Executive officer/Science officer commanding officer USS Enterprise-A Executive officer/Science officer Federation Ambassador-at-Large

Why is Vulcan blood green?

A Vulcan’s on-screen blood is green due to copper-based hemocyanin. Vulcans are said to possess an inner eyelid, or nictitating membrane, which protects their vision from bright light.

Was Spock the first human Vulcan hybrid?

Spock is the first known Human/Vulcan hybrid in the Star Trek franchise. it’s therefore possible that somewhere out there there are other Vulcan/Human hybrids out there, but Spock is the original known hybrid.

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Is Spock autistic?

As Spock’s character becomes better understood, he repeatedly demonstrates how his autistic traits serve him well when ‘saving’ the day. Many perceive autistic traits in a negative way as rigid thinking, literal interpretation, tactlessness, non-conformity, and a disdain of aimless social interaction.

Are humans and Vulcans compatible?

Originally Answered: In Star Trek, can Vulcans and humans interbreed naturally? The canon doesn’t actually specify whether or not Vulcans and humans require medical help to procreate. It’s implied that such a pairing isn’t common, but that’s brushed off as a seemingly cultural issue.

Is Spock only half Vulcan?

He’s cool to the point of wintry, a master at tamping down his base needs (granted, Vulcans get the urge to mate only once every seven years) and human emotions. Spock is that rarest of 23rd-century beings, the only son of a Vulcan dad and a human mom.

What was Spock’s full name?

S’chn T’gai Spock
Spock (full name S’chn T’gai Spock) was a famed half-Vulcan/half-Human Starfleet officer who served the Federation in the 23rd and 24th centuries. Spock’s full name was revealed in TOS novel: Ishmael. In TOS episode: “This Side of Paradise”, Spock said that his full name was unpronounceable to Humans.

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Is Spock a human or a Vulcan?

– James T. Kirk, 2285 (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) Spock – full name generally considered unpronounceable by Humans – was a male Human/ Vulcan hybrid who lived during the 23rd and 24th century. He became one of the most distinguished and respected figures in the United Federation of Planets.

Does Vulcan really exist in our galaxy?

But, for legions of “Star Trek” fans, they don’t have to wish: one star system really exists in our Milky Way galaxy. In Star Trek lore, Vulcan is the home of logic, learning and the deeply beloved first officer Mr. Spock. While Vulcan is fictional, the star system it belongs to–40 Eridani–is very real.

What is the meaning of the planet Vulcan?

Vulcan (fictional planet) It takes a little imagination to wish some favorite fictional universes into existence. But, for legions of “Star Trek” fans, they don’t have to wish: one star system really exists in our Milky Way galaxy. In Star Trek lore, Vulcan is the home of logic, learning and the deeply beloved first officer Mr. Spock.

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Why was Spock’s father ambivalent about his son’s human nature?

His own father, despite having married a Human woman, was ambivalent about his son’s half-Human nature at his birth. For her part, Amanda watched Spock’s stiff-lipped anguish caused by torment at the hands of other Vulcan children who repeatedly attacked and teased him to provoke emotional responses, knowing that his “Human half” was suffering.