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Why garbage should not be thrown in open?

Why garbage should not be thrown in open?

These wastes should not be thrown in an open area due to the following reasons. It spread diseases as flies and mosquitoes tend to sit on the garbage which contaminate our food. Garbage contains litter, blades, broken glass pieces, needles etc which can lead to physical injury.

Why we should not throw garbage in the river?

When people dispose of their garbage directly in the water, rivers and lakes can be polluted. Additionally, water pollution includes the contamination of groundwater when garbage is washed into our groundwater due to natural rainfalls. This garbage is likely to end up in our oceans eventually.

What are the problems of garbage?

The threat of waste to the environment, health and safety is huge. And so are the financial and social ramifications, waste experts say. Pollution runs into rivers and seeps into ground water. Flooding is caused by garbage clogging drains, and the atmosphere can be poisoned by the toxic discharge from trash.

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What are the harmful effects of wastes?

Some of the catastrophic effects of today’s poor waste management systems are listed below:

  • Soil Contamination.
  • Water Contamination.
  • Extreme Weather Caused By Climate Change.
  • Air Contamination.
  • Harm Towards Animal and Marine Life.
  • Human Damage.

What are the effects of throwing garbage anywhere?

Throwing garbage all over the place will not only dirty our surroundings and pollute the environment, making it very unhygienic, but also causes bad odours and encourages the infestation of cockroaches, flies and other insects.

What is the cause and effect of throwing garbage into the river?

Organic waste (e.g., wood wastes) can have chemical and biological impacts on rivers and streams. Among the many impacts are interfering with the establishment of aquatic plants, affecting the reproductive behavior of fish and other animals, and depleting the water of dissolved oxygen as the wastes decompose.

Why garbage is bad for the environment?

Whenever waste is sent to the landfill, it can leak out toxins that eventually get into the soil. This can contaminate the soil around the area of the landfill, which can affect surrounding habitats. Plant and animal life may suffer from this exposure to toxic materials and chemicals.

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What are the causes of garbage problem?

Causes for Garbage Dumping

  • Excessive amounts of waste.
  • Excessive consumption behavior.
  • Population growth.
  • Food waste.
  • Electronic waste.
  • Plastic waste.
  • Cultural values.
  • Laziness.

Why waste is bad for the environment?

Poor waste management contributes to climate change and air pollution, and directly affects many ecosystems and species. Landfills, considered the last resort in the waste hierarchy, release methane, a very powerful greenhouse gas linked to climate change.

What happens when garbage is not disposed of properly?

Soil, water and air pollution can all be a result of improper waste disposal and occurs when either of them becomes contaminated with hazardous materials. Not only does this contribute to the creation of a greenhouse gas effects but also causes significant harm to marine and wildlife.

What happens if garbage is not disposed of properly?

What happens when you DON’T dispose of dangerous waste properly. Put into the regular garbage – this can put the health and safety of garbage collection workers at risk. It may also pollute waterways and drinking water if sent to normal landfills. Hazardous waste should only be stored in specially designed landfills.

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How does garbage affect water?

When debris—plastic bags, bottles, cigarette butts, etc—is thrown on the ground, it gets washed into storm drains and directly into our waterways. In addition to potentially choking, suffocating, or disabling aquatic life like ducks, fish, turtles, and birds, litter decreases oxygen levels in the water when it decays.